A project for the delivery of two ferries
The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) has established a project for the delivery of two ferries – one for the Ballycastle to Rathlin Island ferry service and one for Strangford Lough ferry service. The new ferries are to replace two existing ferries that are approaching the end of their operating life. The Department will continue to manage the existing ferry services during the procurement of the new vessels.
Strangford ferry
Two public information events were held in Strangford and Portaferry in Spring 2014 to allow the public to hear about proposals for the new Strangford ferry. The leaflet published for the information events is available on the following page:
The issues raised at the information events and the Department's response to these are available on the following page.
Award of contract
The Department has awarded a contract to Cammell Laird to build the new vessel. The new vessel is due to be completed by the end of Summer 2016.
A drawing of the new ferry is available on the following page:
Rathlin ferry
The issues raised at the stakeholder events and the Departments response to these are available on the following page:
Award of contract
The Department has awarded a contract to Arklow Marine Services, Co Wicklow to build the new vessel. The vessel is due to be completed by the end of summer 2016.
General arrangement drawings of the preferred option can be seen on the following page:
Harbour improvement works are required in Church Bay, Rathlin to facilitate berthing arrangements for the new ferry and to maintain a high quality service for residents and visitors. DfI has developed harbour proposals which were brought forward as part of an ongoing engagement with the community, ferry crew, local council and Department for Environment, Agriculture and Rural Affairs (DEARA), (formerly Department of Agriculture and Rural Development). The proposals comprise a new ferry ramp, berthing pier, car park area and associated bollards. It also includes a fendering system, lighting and road re-alignment at Rathlin Island Harbour. The planning application for the proposal was lodged in June 2015 and is currently being assessed by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council. In line with our ongoing support of work on Rathlin, DfI and DEARA have agreed to jointly fund the harbour improvements works subject to budget being available.
Environmental statement
The environmental statement for the Rathlin Island harbour improvement works can be viewed on the following page: