A1 Junction improvements - Phase 1 - overview
To improve four junctions on the A1 Belfast to Dublin Key Strategic Route to enhance safety and assist side road traffic join the main road. Part of DBFO Package 2.
- constructed
To provide flyover type junctions at:
- Dromore Road, Hillsborough
- Banbridge Road, Dromore
- Dromore Road, Banbridge
- Dublin Road, Loughbrickland
The work includes closing up the gaps in the central reservation of the dual carriageway at these junctions.
Key dates:
- work commenced work 1 March 2008
- Dromore (Banbridge Road) and Loughbrickland (Dublin Road / Grovehill Road) junctions opened to traffic 18 December 2009
Scheme documents:
- Hillsborough scheme documents
- Dromore scheme documents
- Banbridge scheme documents
- Loughbrickland scheme documents
Last updated 2 July 2015