A2 Broadbridge, Maydown to City of Derry Airport dualling scheme - overview
The provision of 6.75km of dual carriageway between Maydown and Campsey
- constructed
- £36.6m
The A2 forms part of the Northern Key Transport Corridor linking the Belfast Metropolitan Area to Londonderry via Coleraine. The corridor was a mixture of motorway, dual and single carriageway. The provision of 6.75km of dual carriageway between Maydown and Campsey is predominately online with the section east of Campsey being predominately off line.
The section of the A2 constructed is one of several schemes identified for the northern corridor in the Regional Strategic Transport Network Transport Plan 2015 (RSTN TP) and included in the Investment Delivery Plan (IDP) for Roads.
Key dates:
- work commenced 18 May 2009
- officially opened 23 February 2011
Updated: 21 August 2015