Department for Infrastructure


Infrastructure Minister has attended the 28th North South Ministerial Council Plenary Meeting in Dublin Castle ... more
16 September 2024
The Department has announced its intention to carry out essential health and safety works at Portaferry... more
16 September 2024
Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd has confirmed a funding increase of 4.2% for community transport providers... more

Our responsibilities

Road improvement schemes

How the public road network is managed, maintained and developed, as well as delivery of wider transport projects

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Transport initiatives

Belfast on the Move and the Department's transport plans for Northern Ireland.

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Roads policies and legislation including the process and licencing requirements for road openings carried out by utility companies

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Public transport

The Department's role in bus, rail and ferry travel including relevant legislation and our supported travel programmes

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Active travel

Sustainable transport policies, primarily focused on cycling and walking in Northern Ireland.

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Inland Waterways, the Lagan Towpath and the Department's work with, the cross-border body, Waterways Ireland.

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DfI Transport and Road Asset Management procurement

Procurement activities, ranging from supplies and services, and small-scale works to major road maintenance and high value capital construction projects.

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Road users

Promoting and improving road safety via education, licensing and regulation of transportation.

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Water and sewerage services

Policy in relation to the water and sewerage industry and for discharging the Department’s statutory and other duties

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The Department’s role in air and seaports serving Northern Ireland

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Statistics and research

Statistics and research that inform decision making within the Department’s areas of responsibility.

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Rathlin Island Policy

Delivering the Rathlin Island Policy

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Careers in DfI

We offer the full range of career opportunities with entry points to suit where you are in your career.  Our work locations are across Northern Ireland.

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Crumlin Road Gaol and St Lucia Site

The Department's role in the regeneration of the Crumlin Road Gaol in Belfast and the St Lucia site in Omagh.

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Living With Water Programme

Living With Water, a new holistic and integrated approach to the provision of drainage and wastewater infrastructure.

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The Department’s role in the NI planning system including relevant legislation, regional policies and strategies and supporting practical guidance.

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Rivers and flooding

Reducing the risk to life and damage to property from flooding from rivers and the sea, undertaking watercourse and coastal flood management in a sustainable manner.

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Sustainable Transport

Promoting an Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure to help address climate change.

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Our documents

Access to information

How to request information from the Department for Infrastructure including Freedom of Information (FOI) and the use of our Publication Scheme.

The Minister

Department for Infrastructure

John O’Dowd has been appointed Minister for Infrastructure.


Management and structure

The Department operates under the direction and control of the Minister for Infrastructure. Civil Servants are accountable to the Minister and the Minister is accountable to the Assembly ... more

Contact us

Department for Infrastructure
James House
2 - 4 Cromac Avenue

Telephone: 028 9054 0540 (Text relay prefix 18001) 

If you need to raise an operational issue about a road or a street (for example an issue with a streetlight, pothole or roadworks) the quickest and easiest way to do this is by registering the issue using our online portal. Once you register your issue you will be able to track the progress.

In case of an out of hours emergency, you should contact one of the following emergency contacts:

-Northern Ireland Water Waterline 03457 440 088

-Flooding Incident Line 0300 2000 100

-DfI Roads Emergency/Out of Hours contact details 

Should you wish to contact the Department about a specific, non-emergency issue, please use the relevant contact from the list below.

If you need to contact the Department about any other matter that is not listed below please email: should note that this e-mail address is not monitored outside of normal office hours.

Alternatively contact us using our feedback form or view our complaints procedure.

You can contact any specific member of senior staff in the Department through the main Departmental e-mail address by naming the officer you want your correspondence forwarded to.

Section 8 of The Functioning of Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act NI 2021 places certain duties upon Ministers, special advisers and officials within departments in relation to recording lobbying (as defined by the Act). Contacting the Minister directly (either verbally or through written correspondence to a non-Departmental email or social media account) may result in a record of the contact being included within the Infrastructure Minister’s lobbying register.

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