A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - overview
Current position, cost, objective and description of the A24 Ballynahinch Bypass, which provides for a single carriageway bypass, approximately 3.1 kilometres in length around the eastern periphery of Ballynahinch, Co. Down.
To improve journey times, journey time reliability and safety on the A24 Belfast to Newcastle Trunk road by providing a bypass around Ballynahinch. The provision of this bypass is also expected to improve traffic conditions in the town centre.
The proposed A24 Ballynahinch Bypass would run from a new roundabout at the junction of the A24 Belfast Road and the A21 Saintfield Road to a new roundabout located at the existing junction of the B2 Downpatrick Road and the A24 Drumaness Road. A compact grade separated junction would connect the B7 Crossgar Road with the proposed bypass.
Overtaking opportunities would be provided for traffic leaving both roundabouts to travel along the proposed bypass. A shared footway/cycleway extending between the terminal roundabouts would be included within the proposed A24 Ballynahinch Bypass scheme.
A ‘Park & Share’ facility would be constructed on the northern side of the proposed Saintfield Road Roundabout between the A24 Belfast Road and A21 Saintfield Road.
Current position
Following publication of the Environmental Statement and draft orders for consultation in March 2015, a Public Inquiry was held in January 2016. Subsequently and following a review of the Public Inquiry Inspector’s report the “Notice of Intention to Proceed” for the scheme was announced in December 2016. However, as the Executive collapsed in early 2017, the Department was unable to proceed to make the necessary Direction Order for the scheme at that time.
On the 19 April 2021 the former Infrastructure Minister, Nichola Mallon, having carefully considered the outcome of the previous Public Inquiry confirmed that the Direction Order (Statutory Rule) for the scheme should be made in readiness for funding becoming available.
The Department for Infrastructure has subsequently made the Direction Order (Statutory Rule) for the A24 Ballynahinch Bypass scheme which came into operation on 16th July 2021.
The Statutory Rule and associated maps are available to view online at:
The Department have also explored further opportunities to improve the town centre to create a sustainable, liveable place where people have the space to stay, meet, shop and safely walk, wheel and cycle. This includes opportunities for active and sustainable travel in the town including a new footway/cycleway and a park and share facility on the bypass.
The Department on 14 August 2023 published a prioritised list of major road schemes that will continue to be progressed. There are a number of reasons why the prioritisation of projects, currently in the pipeline, was necessary, including the challenging budgetary position and constrained resources (in terms of finance and staff) and, importantly, the Department’s commitments under the Climate Change (NI) Act 2022.
Transport policies and plans are currently being reviewed and updated to align with these commitments and this work will help define what major transport infrastructure projects should be included within any future major roads programme.
The Department is currently drafting a new Transportation Strategy for Northern Ireland (TSNI). It will form an overarching framework which will shape the planning and delivery of transport infrastructure and services up to 2035.
Work is ongoing to complete the draft TSNI for future public consultation. Once the draft TSNI has been published, the Department will be able to review all work to date on the draft Regional Strategic Transport Network Transport Plan (RSTNTP) in the context of the TSNI and the carbon target for transport, which has not yet been set.
The publication of the prioritised list of major road schemes, that will continue to be progressed, explains that development work on the Ballynahinch Bypass is now paused. A decision to proceed to procurement will be considered following confirmation of the RSTNTP.
£50m - £60m (Under Review)
The Vesting Order for the scheme will be made in due course when funding has been confirmed.
Scheme Overview Video
Scheme documents
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Stage 1 - Preliminary Options report
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Non-motorised users report
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Public consultation document summary report
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Stage 2 - Preferred Options report
- A24 Ballynahinch ByPass - Composite Notice of Intention
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Environmental Statement
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Direction Order
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Vesting Order
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass – Stage 3 - Engineering, Traffic & Economics Report, March 2015
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Statement to Inform the Appropriate Assessment
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Departmental Statement for Public Inquiry
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Submissions to draft Orders
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Replies to submissions to draft Orders
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Proofs of Evidence for Public Inquiry
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Inspector's report
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Departmental statement to Inpector's report
- A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Notice to Proceed
Guidance for Landowners
The link below provides guidance for landowners, residential property owners, agricultural property owners and business property owners who are impacted by road schemes.
Last updated May 2024