In the quarter 1 October 2023 to 31 December 2023, the department screened the policies listed below for likely impact on equality of opportunity and good relations.
The associated screening forms, which set out the details of each policy and the decision reached are available at these links:
- Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Action Plan for Northern Ireland
- CPD Fees for council greenway and active travel schemes
- Strangford Lough Ferry Service Fare Increase
- Removal of Mandatory Pre-Determination Hearings
- Hierarchy of Developments (Classes of Development and corresponding Thresholds / Criterion)
- Incorporating online / digital engagement into the pre-application community consultation process
- TGN 30 – Natural Flood Management (NFM) – Design, Implementation and Maintenance
- Director of Engineering Memorandum (DEM) – 191/23 Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs)
- Public Appointments (Trust Ports) – Pausing of Department’s policy to not automatically re-appoint for a second term
- TGN 27 - DfI Rivers Major Works - Procedural Guide (Schemes < £1.5m) Inception to Completion
- TGN 26 - DfI Rivers Major Works - Procedural Guide (Schemes > £1.5m) Inception to Completion
- Transport Programme for People with Disabilities – Disability Action Transport Scheme (after Final Budget 23/24)
- TGN 29 - Design of culverts, screens and outfalls