5171 publications
Travel Survey for Northern Ireland (TSNI) headline report 2008-2010
The TSNI collects information on how and why people travel within Northern Ireland. Three years of data need to be combined to ensure the analysis carried out is robust. The headline report is the first...
Northern Ireland Seat Belt Survey April 2011: Wearing Rates in Cars
The 2011 NI Seat Belt Survey reports on the level of seat belt wearing in Northern Ireland with the majority of this report concentrating on seatbelt wearing rates in cars only.
Public perceptions on car emissions February 2011
The Department used the Northern Ireland omnibus survey February 2011 to gauge public opinion on car/van emissions. Questions assessed the potential for behavioural change to reduce car/van emissions and the reason that influenced this change...
Integrated Impact Assessment of the Ensuring a Sustainable Transport Future document
An Integrated Impact Assessment was carried out on 'Ensuring a Sustainable Transport Future: A New Approach to Regional Transportation'.
Northern Ireland road and rail transport statistics January to March 2011
This quarterly bulletin presents information on vehicle registrations, vehicle and driver testing, use of public transport and deliveries of petroleum in Northern Ireland.
Ensuring a Sustainable Transport Future: a New Approach to Regional Transportation
This document sets out the Department for Regional Development's new approach to regional transportation and particularly future decisions on investment.
Child Road Safety and Poverty Research Project final report
The output of this research is a prioritised five year programme of measures which aim to reduce road collisions and casualties involving children in deprived areas of Northern Ireland. These measures complement the measures set...
Restricted zone access permits - issue and management RSPPG E039
DfI Roads policy and procedures guide on the procedure to be followed when assessing applications and issuing restricted zone access permits.
The use of foamed concrete DEM 133/11
Memorandum introducing Interim Advice Note (IAN) 127/09 revision 1 which relates to Health and Safety issues when using Foamed Concrete containing 'reactive’ aggregate constituents.
A8 Belfast to Larne Dualling - Stage 3 scheme assessment report
To consider all available options a scheme assessment was carried out. This is a three stage procedure, which compares various options based on the government’s five key transport objectives of environment, safety, economy, integration and...
Contractor performance, assessment and monitoring DEM 117/09
Memorandum establishing a method for the assessment and monitoring of contractor performance and to explain how the reports generated are used for contractor feedback, tender assessment and input to Constructionline.
Northern Ireland road and rail transport statistics October to December 2010
This quarterly bulletin presents information on vehicle registrations, vehicle and driver testing, use of public transport and deliveries of petroleum in Northern Ireland.
A6 Randalstown to Toome - publication of draft Statutory Orders
Sets out the Statutory Orders published in March 2007 for the A6 Randalstown to Toome dual carriageway.
Public perception of safety on public transport January 2010
The Northern Ireland omnibus survey carried out in January 2010 included 4 questions to determine the current public perception of how safe it is to use public transport.
A6 Randalstown to Toome - confirmed Orders
Sets out the confirmed Orders and the notice to proceed with an environmental statement for the scheme.
A6 Toome to Castledawson - confirmed Orders
Sets out the confirmed Orders and the notice to proceed with an environmental statement for the scheme.
A55 Knock Road widening Inspector's report
Lead and additional Inspectors conducted two inquiries at The Park Avenue Hotel, 158 Holywood Road, Belfast in November 2010, in connection with the proposed A55 Knock Road widening scheme.
M1/A1 Sprucefield Bypass - stage 1 scheme assessment report
The stage 1 assessment report identies the environmental, engineering, economic and traffic advantages, disadvantages and constraints associated with broadly defined improvement strategies. This concludes in the selection of a number of potential routes or scheme...
Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS) - non-technical summary and environmental reports
This is a non-technical summary of the draft environmental reports and the full environmental reports for the Northern Ireland Revised Regional Transportation Strategy 2011.
Northern Ireland Road Safety Strategy until 2020
This Strategy sets out the vision and presents measures for improving road safety in Northern Ireland up to 2020, including targets for reductions in deaths and serious injuries to be achieved over that period.