5173 publications
Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS) - non-technical summary and environmental reports
This is a non-technical summary of the draft environmental reports and the full environmental reports for the Northern Ireland Revised Regional Transportation Strategy 2011.
Northern Ireland Road Safety Strategy until 2020
This Strategy sets out the vision and presents measures for improving road safety in Northern Ireland up to 2020, including targets for reductions in deaths and serious injuries to be achieved over that period.
NI Road Safety Strategy 2020
Northern Ireland’s Road Safety Strategy to 2020 outlines the key challenges to be addressed over its life. It highlights the main evidence, statistical analysis and research carried out and the consultation conducted to inform the...
Gateway Review process DEM 132/11
Memorandum relating to the Gateway Review process, a key assurance mechanism designed to provide an objective view of a programme or project’s ability to deliver on time and to budget.
Giant's Causeway car park - variable message signs
Traffic sign authorisation for the purpose of indicating to vehicular traffic the direction to the Giant's Causeway main car park, that the car park is full and the direction to a Park and Ride facility.
Car parking facilities in existing social housing estates RSPPG E053
DfI Roads policy and procedures guide providing an agreed protocol between the department, the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, housing associations, and ‘other housing representative groups’, with respect to considering requests for parking facilities in older...
Location of lay-bys and rest areas DEM 129/11
Memorandum providing guidance additional to TD 69/07, applicable to lay-bys and rest areas on all purpose trunk roads in Northern Ireland. Determining the frequency of new parking and emergency lay-bys and guidance on the provision...
Privately funded traffic calming schemes on adopted roads RSPPG E026
DfI Roads policy and procedures guide for entering into an agreement with any person for the execution by the Department of works (e.g. Traffic calming measures) where that person pays the whole or part of...
Business travel (outside Northern Ireland) and accommodation
Business travel (outside Northern Ireland) and accommodation details the levels at which official travel/accommodation and completed travel request booking forms must be approved (OM 01-11).
A6 Annaghmore to Bellshill junction (2010) - community information event documents (January 2011)
An exhibition of the of the plan to compulsorily acquire land to build the Annaghmore Road Bellshill Road alternative grade-separated junction was held in Christ Church Parish Hall, 10 Station Road, Castledawson on Wednesday 19...
Northern Ireland road and rail transport statistics - July to September 2010
This quarterly bulletin presents information on vehicle registrations, vehicle and driver testing, use of public transport and deliveries of petroleum in Northern Ireland.
Travel Survey for Northern Ireland (TSNI) in-depth report 2007-2009
The TSNI collects information on how and why people travel within Northern Ireland. Three years of data need to be combined to ensure the analysis carried out is robust. The in-depth report is produced annually...
A6 Annaghmore Bellshill junction (2010) - community update 2 January 2011
DfI Roads produces occasional community updates to keep landowners and others informed of activities at critical stages in the scheme development process.
A8 Belfast to Larne Dualling - Environmental statement
This Environmental statement documents the assessment undertaken on the potential environmental impacts of the A8 Belfast to Larne Dual Carriageway (Coleman’s Corner to Ballyrickard Road) referred to within this Environmental statement as the ‘A8 Dualling’.
A6 Annaghmore Bellshill junction (2010) - draft Vesting Order
Draft Vesting Order to compulsorily acquire land to build the junction.
A6 Londonderry to Dungiven - December 2010 community involvement event documents and exhibition material
An exhibition was held on 15 December 2010 in the Dungiven Sports Pavilion, Chapel Road, Dungiven to provide an update on proposals for access to Abbeyfields, Tracy’s Way and Magherabuoy Terrace housing.
Additional works on DBFO networks RSPPG E055
DfI Roads policy and procedures guide setting out the procedure to be followed when procuring and carrying out Works (defined within each of the DBFO Contracts as “Additional Works”) on roads maintained by DBFO Companies.
Northern Corridor map
A map showing the Northern Key Transport Corridor
Key Transport Corridors, Eastern Seaboard Corridor Map
Map showing the Eastern Seaboard Corridor.
Key Transport Corridors, South Western Corridor Map
Map showing the South Western Corridor.