Mallon grants consent for final part of the Ballyclare Relief Road

Date published: 27 April 2021

Infrastructure Minister, Nichola Mallon has today issued a Notice of Opinion to approve the final part of the Ballyclare Relief Road.

The Minister has decided that consent should be granted for the detailed design of the Northern section of the Relief Road which is a further 2.3 kilometre section. 

Minister Mallon said: 

“My Department has already granted approval for the Southern part of the Relief Road and this is now under construction. This approval will now pave the way for the completion of the Ballyclare Relief Road.

“This scheme has the potential to deliver long-term benefits for commuters using the route by improving journey time and reliability as well as providing traffic relief for Ballyclare town centre by providing an alternative route for traffic.

“I also believe that it can unlock the potential to build much needed new homes on the western side of the town by acting as a catalyst in opening up the associated extensive housing zonings. I look forward to the applicant delivering this final section of the road so that these benefits can be realised.”

Notes to editors: 

  1. Proposal: Reserved Matters for Northern Section of Ballyclare Relief Road and Associated Works.
  2. Location: Lands adjacent to the north west of Ballyclare including lands bounded by Cogry Road/Rashee Road north of Ross Avenue/Clare Heights and north east and west of Ballyclare Rugby Club.
  3. The principle of the overall housing and road development at Ballyclare has been established by the granting of two outline planning permissions (U/2006/0377/O and U/2009/0405/O) in January 2011 by the former DOE for a major urban extension to the north and west side of Ballyclare Town.
  4. The current application (LA03/2018/1116/RM) is a ‘Reserved Matter’ application relating to outline permission U/2009/0405/O and seeks to approve the detailed engineering layout and landscaping of the northern portion of the Ballyclare Relief Road.
  5. A Notice of Opinion to approve the reserved matters application will now issue to the local Council (Antrim Newtownabbey Borough Council) and the applicant.
  6. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for Media Enquiries Only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.
  7. Follow the Department on Twitter @deptinfra and on Facebook @DepartmentforInfrastructure.

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