DfI Rivers water level network
The DfI Rivers has a network of 130 active hydrometric stations across Northern Ireland that measure water levels. We provide (almost live) information from a selection of these stations on an external website where it is displayed on a map of the province.
Accessing the hydrometric network water levels
DfI Rivers have completed the upgrade of the hydrometric network viewer. The transition period is now complete with all stations having been migrated with effect from week commencing Monday 30 July 2018. The new viewer has an improved user-interface and amongst other features will enable users to download data from the stations directly from the webpage.
A link to the new viewer and a User’s Guide is provided below.
Accessing the UKCFF tide network water levels
You can access the UKCFF tide network using the link below:
The UK Tide Gauge Network is owned and operated by the Environment Agency on behalf of the UK Coastal Flood Forecasting partnership between the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Northern Ireland's Department for Infrastructure. This dataset shows sea levels recorded at 42 locations around the UK coast. These observations include the effects of the natural tidal cycle (high and low tides) and any meteorological effects, for example storm surges which can raise sea levels and cause flooding. Data is made available in near real-time with measurements reported every 15 minutes. The measurements provide mean sea level within each 15 minute window and are reported relative to local datum (m) and relative to Ordnance Datum at Newlyn (mAOD).
Note that for convenience the website displays times in local time (ie BST during the summer) whereas the underlying data from the API is given in GMT.
The data collected from each tide gauge is averaged over a 15 minute period and time stamped at the mid-point of this period. The nominal data time is on the hour and then every 15 minutes. The Environment Agency’s telemetry system aims to deliver the latest reading to the website within 30 minutes of the data time.
Note that this is raw data so it is unchecked. The Environment Agency cannot guarantee its accuracy or timeliness.
Notice to Users
To improve service, occasional upgrade and development works may temporarily affect service. Users should be advised that website content, presentation and access may change without prior notification. River levels are “near real time”. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused.
Data is provisional, unchecked, and has not been validated to remove invalid or improbable values.
Data may be inaccurate due to instrument errors, malfunctions or physical changes at the measurement site.
Data may be delayed due to telemetry issues or system malfunctions.
Data is provided on a best efforts basis - the DfI Rivers will endeavour to maintain data availability, but does not guarantee continuity of services. Recording of data at some stations may cease. Data for such stations will be preserved as part of the DfI Rivers Hydrometric archive.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the data, if used, are accurate and fit for purpose.
DfI Roads and Rivers will not be responsible for any loss or damage howsoever arising from the use or interpretation of the data, and reserve the right to reprocess the data as they deem necessary.