
Road improvement schemes

How the public road network is managed, maintained and developed, as well as delivery of wider transport projects

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Transport initiatives

Belfast on the Move and the Department's transport plans for Northern Ireland.

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Roads policies and legislation including the process and licencing requirements for road openings carried out by utility companies

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Public transport

The Department's role in bus, rail and ferry travel including relevant legislation and our supported travel programmes

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Active travel

Sustainable transport policies, primarily focused on cycling and walking in Northern Ireland.

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Inland Waterways, the Lagan Towpath and the Department's work with, the cross-border body, Waterways Ireland.

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DfI Transport and Road Asset Management procurement

Procurement activities, ranging from supplies and services, and small-scale works to major road maintenance and high value capital construction projects.

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Road users

Promoting and improving road safety via education, licensing and regulation of transportation.

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Water and sewerage services

Policy in relation to the water and sewerage industry and for discharging the Department’s statutory and other duties

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The Department’s role in air and seaports serving Northern Ireland

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Statistics and research

Statistics and research that inform decision making within the Department’s areas of responsibility.

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Rathlin Island Policy

Delivering the Rathlin Island Policy

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Careers in DfI

We offer the full range of career opportunities with entry points to suit where you are in your career.  Our work locations are across Northern Ireland.

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Crumlin Road Gaol and St Lucia Site

The Department's role in the regeneration of the Crumlin Road Gaol in Belfast and the St Lucia site in Omagh.

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Living With Water Programme

Living With Water, a new holistic and integrated approach to the provision of drainage and wastewater infrastructure.

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The Department’s role in the NI planning system including relevant legislation, regional policies and strategies and supporting practical guidance.

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Rivers and flooding

Reducing the risk to life and damage to property from flooding from rivers and the sea, undertaking watercourse and coastal flood management in a sustainable manner.

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Sustainable Transport

Promoting an Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure to help address climate change.

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