5173 publications
Travel Survey for Northern Ireland (TSNI) technical report 2006-2008
The TSNI collects information on how and why people travel within Northern Ireland. The technical report is produced annually and contains information on survey methodology as well as the survey questionnaire.
Travel Survey for Northern Ireland (TSNI) in-depth report 2006-2008
The TSNI collects information on how and why people travel within Northern Ireland. Three years of data need to be combined to ensure the analysis carried out is robust. The in-depth report is produced annually...
Geotechnical certification procedure RSPPG E008
DfI Roads policy and procedures guide for the implementation of the procedures in HD 22/08 Managing Geotechnical Risk and in addition guidance on Roads Service procured contractor design projects; including Design and Build and DBFO...
A6 Randalstown to Toome - Departmental statement
Having considered the Inspector's report and all other representations made, the Department concurred with the Inspector's recommendation that it should proceed with the proposed Randalstown to Toome dualling scheme.
A6 Toome to Castledawson - Departmental statement
Having considered the Inspector's Report and all other representations made, the Department concurred with the Inspector's recommendation that it should proceed with the proposed Randalstown to Toome dualling scheme.
A24 Ballynahinch Bypass - Non-Motorised Users Report
The objective of a Non-Motorised Users (NMUs) Report is to collect, collate and present background information of relevance to NMUs before and after construction of the proposed bypass.
Newry Southern Relief Road - feasibility study report executive summary
The feasibility study report is needed to determine the practicality of the relief road along with advantages, disadvantages and constraints associated with broadly defined options.
Land acquisition - accommodation works RSPPG S028
DfI Roads policy and procedures guide to accommodation works in relation to land acquisition for roads purposes.
The supplementary load testing of bridges RSPPG E046
DfI Roads policy and procedures guide for the use of the publication ‘Guidelines for the Supplementary Load Testing of Bridges’ and provides background information on the guidelines together with information on their applicability in Northern...
The Private Streets (Northern Ireland) Order 1980 and the Private Streets (amendment) Order 1992 RSPPG S009
DfI Roads policy and procedures guide related to the laying out, construction, completion and adoption of new streets and the making up and adoption of existing private streets.
A8 Belfast to Larne Dualling - Stage 2 scheme assessment report
To consider all available options a scheme assessment was carried out. This is a three stage procedure, which compares various options based on the government’s five key transport objectives of environment, safety, economy, integration and...
Northern Ireland planning statistics April 2008 - March 2009
Report on the volume of planning applications received and decisions issued in 2008/09. Includes geographic detail at the Local Government District and the Assembly Constituency.
Best Practice Guidance to PPS 18 'Renewable Energy'
This guide provides background information on the various renewable energy technologies that may come forward in Northern Ireland and is designed to contribute to the development management process. It has been drawn up taking account...
A32 Shannaragh - stage 2 scheme assessment report
This stage 2 report identifies the factors to be taken into account in choosing alternative routes or improvement schemes and to identify the environmental, engineering, economic and traffic advantages, disadvantages and constraints associated with those...
Public perceptions on car emissions January 2009
The department used the Northern Ireland omnibus survey January 2009 to gauge public opinion on car/van emissions. Questions assessed the potential for behavioural change to reduce car/van emissions and the reason that influenced this change...
The Smoking (Northern Ireland) Order 2006
Confirmation of details of The Smoking Order with reference to the smoking ban that took effect from 30 April 2007.
Assessment trials
Clarification on trials associated with the development of promotion assessment exercises. In relation to Central Trade Union Side (CTUS) and the response from Central Personnel Group (CPG).
Water and sewerage subordinate legislation 2009
Subordinate legislation made by the Department, relating to water and sewerage and commencing in 2009.
Northern Ireland Seat Belt Survey April 2009: Wearing Rates in Cars
The 2009 NI Seat Belt Survey reports on the level of seat belt wearing in Northern Ireland with the majority of this report concentrating on seatbelt wearing rates in cars only.
Northern Ireland road and rail transport statistics January to March 2009
This quarterly bulletin presents information on vehicle registrations, vehicle and driver testing, use of public transport and deliveries of petroleum in Northern Ireland.