Infrastructure Minister launches recruitment competition for Non-Executive Members to the Board of Belfast Harbour Commissioners
Date published:
Department for Infrastructure (DfI) Minister John O’Dowd has announced a recruitment campaign to appoint nine Non-Executive Members to the Board of Belfast Harbour Commissioners (BHC).

Belfast Harbour is Northern Ireland's principal maritime gateway and logistics hub, serving the Northern Ireland economy and increasingly that of the Republic of Ireland. Around 70% of Northern Ireland's seaborne trade and 30% of the entire island's roll-on/roll-off trade is handled at the harbour, handling around 24 million tonnes of cargo per annum.
Minister O’Dowd said,
“I would encourage anyone who considers that they meet the criteria for the posts and feel that they want to make a positive contribution to the work of BHC to apply.”
The time commitment for the post will be approximately 2-3 business days per month. The Non-Executive Members will be expected to attend all Board meetings and other ad hoc meetings as required. They will receive remuneration of £15,761 and reasonable travel and subsistence costs.
Eight appointments will be effective from 1 April 2025 and one from 1 June 2025 for a four year term.
The closing date for the competition is Friday 20 December 2024 at 12 noon. Applications will be welcomed from all sections of the community.
Women, younger people, people with disabilities and people from ethnic minority communities are currently under-represented on DfI Boards. Applications from members of these groups would be particularly welcome.
You can access the application pack at: or at
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