This followed a public consultation on the proposed legislation, in November 2009.
Following the introduction of the Floods Directive Regulations three distinct preparatory stages are required:-
1. Review of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment
We commenced the second 6 year cycle of the Floods Directive Regulations processes with a review of the 2011 Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment; this review was completed in December 2018. Since 2011, much work has been done to produce more accurate mapping of flood risks and to reduce risks e.g. through the provision of new infrastructure schemes. A key consideration of the review is that the existence of flood defences was not taken into account in the PFRA which ensured, at that time, a precautionary approach in assessing flood risks. Now, we have much better information about our flood defences and their standards of protection and so this review took account of the presence of defences. The review also included the risk of flooding from surface water (pluvial) source.
The Floods Directive Regulations recognise that flood risk is continually changing and that regular review of risks is necessary. The output of the Review of the PFRA has been reported in the Northern Ireland Flood Risk Assessment 2018 (NIFRA 2018).
2. Flood Hazard and Risk Mapping
Although the updating of flood mapping is normally an on-going process, the Floods Directive Regulations require the Department to complete a review of its mapping processes and to formally update flood hazard and risk maps. For the 2nd cycle, this flood hazard and risk mapping review was completed in December 2019, in line with the legislative requirement.
The Flood Hazard and Flood Risk Maps can be accessed via this link:-
3. Flood Risk Management Planning
Similarly to the preceding stages, Flood Risk Management Plans are required to be reviewed and if necessary updated to take into account the changes in flood risk since the 1st cycle, the information coming out of the NIFRA 2018 and the updating of flood hazard and risk mapping. This has resulted in the development of a new Plan that includes a review of the achievement of the 1st cycle Plans. The 2nd cycle Flood Risk Management Plan was published in December 2021 in adherence with legislation and may be viewed via link below;