2nd Cycle - Northern Ireland Flood Risk Assessment 2018

The Northern Ireland Flood Risk Assessment (NIFRA) 2018 is a high level analysis of the potential economic, social and environmental impacts which could result from flooding in Northern Ireland.

It included a review of the PFRA 2011 and uses DfI’s flood maps to identify what areas are at risk of river, coastal and surface water flooding. The NIFRA 2018 will be also be reviewed every six years, which allows for the inclusion of new and improved information.

Based on the NIFRA 2018, the areas assessed to be at the greatest flood risk have been identified. These areas are designated as ‘Areas of Potential Significant Flood Risk’ (APSFR). APSFR may be designated because of current or future flood risk to human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activity. It is important to note that locations not designated APSFR may still be at risk of flooding. 

APSFR are where significant flood risk exists now or is likely to occur in the future. Identifying APSFR is an important part of protecting people, properties, businesses, communities, infrastructure and the environment from flooding. APSFR help us and our partners understand the potential impacts of flooding and prioritise where work could benefit the most.

Identifying the APSFR will inform the Flood Risk Management Plans and become the focus of future actions, helping DfI and other stakeholders to work with communities to prioritise investment and reduce the impacts from flooding.

In addition to the APSFR identified, the Department has determined some areas to be Transitional Areas of Potential Significant Flood Risk (TAPSFR). These are areas that were identified in the 2011 PFRA as APSFR. They have not been identified as APSFR in the NIFRA 2018. However, they have been classified as TAPSFR to ensure continuity between Flood Risk Management Plan cycles and facilitate the implementation of any outstanding commitments arising from delivery of objectives and measures within the 2015 – 2021 FRMPs.

The NIFRA 2018 has identified 12 areas as APSFR and 9 areas have been determined as TAPSFR. Both APSFR and TAPSFR are detailed in the map and tables below.

For each area we have provided details of the flood source and the impact it could potentially have on the people, places, infrastructure and activities in that area.

APSFR and TAPSFR in the Neagh Bann River Basin District

Newry Banbridge
Lurgan Antrim
Glengormley and Mallusk Coleraine
Portadown and Craigavon Warrenpoint

APSFR and TAPSFR in the North East River Basin District

Belfast Dundonald
Larne Newtownards
Bangor Newcastle
Newtownabbey Downpatrick

APSFR and TAPSFR in the North West River Basin District

Londonderry Strabane

For each APSFR identified, flood hazard and flood risk maps will be produced and a Flood Risk Management Plan will be developed in an effort to help mitigate the impacts of flooding.


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