5193 publications
DFI/2024-0416 - Details of the funding of the: 1) £2.6m A2 Clooney Road, Ballykelly; 2) £800,000 A29 Ring Road, Coleraine; 3) £1.75m A29 Ring Road, Coleraine; & 4) £800,000 O'Neill Road, Newtownabbey, Active Travel schemes.
DFI/2024-0416: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of whether the: 1) £2.6m A2 Clooney Road, Ballykelly; 2) £800,000 A29 Ring Road, Coleraine; 3) £1.75m A29 Ring Road, Coleraine; & 4) £800,000 O'Neill Road...
DFI/2024-0419 - Copies of all minutes, & associated documents, relating to the DfI Minister’s meetings, 01 April - 30 June 2024, with named representatives from 9 organisations.
DFI/2024-0419: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for copies of all minutes, & associated documents, relating to the DfI Minister’s meetings, 01 April - 30 June 2024, with named representatives from: 1) NI Regional...
DFI/2024-0423 - Details of taxi driving licences applied for & held held in each calendar year, 2020-2024 to date.
DFI/2024-0423: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details of taxi driving licences applied for & held held in each calendar year, 2020-2024 to date, including the numbers: 1) held; 2) held where the...
Walking and Cycling in Northern Ireland 2023/24
This report presents findings from the 2023/24 Continuous Household Survey in relation to walking and cycling in Northern Ireland.
Planning Advert - SPD/2024/0076/F - November 2024
Copy of the advert published advising that the Department has received the following Planning application.
Road bonds, agreements and bond reductions
Prior to construction, a developer is required to enter into an agreement with DfI Roads, to provide the roads, footways and sewers to the Department’s standards prescribed in The Private Streets (Construction) Regulations (NI) 1994...
Annual Report to Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council 2024
This report deals with works completed across the Council area during the year 2023/24 and sets out our initial proposals for schemes to be undertaken in the year 2024/25.
Rail Safety Authority - Annual safety performance report 2023
Regulation 18(3) of the Railways (Safety Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended) requires the Department for Infrastructure to publish an annual safety performance report for the NI rail network.
Road maintenance standards for safety - revised inspection frequencies DEM 158/24
The previous version of this memorandum (DEM 158/15) advised staff of a change to Table 2 Inspection Frequencies in RSPPG_E019 Road Maintenance Standards for Safety.This updated memorandum provides clarification to staff on the response time...
Consultation Report on changing the emissions test for light vehicles with a modern diesel engine
The Report details the outcome of the Consultation on changing the emissions test for light vehicles with a modern diesel engine.
Driver and Vehicle Agency Monthly Tests Conducted Statistics – October 2024
This publication provides provisional headline statistics on the vehicle, driver, and theory tests conducted by the DfI's Driver and Vehicle Agency (DVA). It is published monthly.
The Roads (Speed Limit) (No. 5) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024 No. 193
The Department for Infrastructure has made a Statutory Rule entitled “The Roads (Speed Limit) (No. 5) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024” (S.R. 2024 No. 193) which comes into operation on 2 December 2024.
Active Travel Delivery Plan - Screening form
The Active Travel Delivery Plan will provide the Department with a firm basis for the prioritisation of active travel infrastructure within and connecting our towns and cities.
Draft Equality Action Plan for DfI 2023 – 2026 Post Consultation Outcome Report
The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) has concluded a public consultation on its draft Equality Action Plan. This plan sets out the actions we propose to take forward over the next three years in response to...
DFI/2024-0395 - Details of the number of Penalty Charge Notices issued on Little Patrick Street, Belfast, in the last 12 months.
DFI/2024-0395: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the number of Penalty Charge Notices issued on Little Patrick Street, Belfast, in the last 12 months, together with confirmation of whether the street is...
DFI/2024-0396 - Details of road repair works carried out in Henryville Manor, Ballyclare.
DFI/2024-0396: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of road repair works carried out in Henryville Manor, Ballyclare, including: 1) the contractor that carried out the works; 2) the dates of the works; &...
DFI/2024-0397 - Details of DfI's annual marketing expenditure in the last 5 years on campaigns to encourage a change in driver behaviours.
DFI/2024-0397: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details of the Department for Infrastructure's annual marketing expenditure in the last 5 years on media campaigns to encourage a change in driver behaviours, including more...
DFI/2024-0398 - Copies of any records held of DfI correspondence or meetings with the Loyalist Communities Council (LCC) since 01 February 2024.
DFI/2024-0398: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for copies of all records held of any Department for Infrastructure correspondence or meetings held with the Loyalist Communities Council (LCC) since 01 February 2024.
DFI/2024-0399 - Information, with copies of recent records, relating to the A2 Warren Road, Donaghadee.
DFI/2024-0399: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for information held by DfI Roads, with copies of recent records, relating to the A2 Warren Road, Donaghadee, including details of the: 1) road classification; 2) network owner...
DFI/2024-0401 - A dated copy of the record of the Minister's reasons for choosing four Belfast City Councillors to serve as Non-Executive Councillor Members on the Board of Belfast Harbour Commissioners in 2024.
DFI/2024-0401: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for A aated copy of the record of the DfI Minister's reasons for choosing four Belfast City Councillors to serve as Non-Executive Councillor Members on the Board...