5190 publications
A29 Cookstown Bypass Proof of Evidence - Scheme Development
Summary of the technical aspects of the Proposed scheme including the anticipated impacts on the surrounding environment and measures included to mitigate these.
A5 Western Transport Corridor Dual Carriageway Scheme – Confirmed Orders (2024)
The Composite Notice sets out the confirmed Orders and the Notice to Proceed with the A5 WTC Dual Carriageway scheme, in part.
Forward Work Plan
Forward work plan which outlines scheduled work and further developments planned for 2024/25. This can be accessed below.
Driver and Vehicle Agency Monthly Tests Conducted Statistics – September 2024
This publication provides provisional headline statistics on the vehicle, driver, and theory tests conducted by the DfI's Driver and Vehicle Agency (DVA). It is published monthly.
DFI/2024-0339 - Copies of all DfI Roads carriageway inspection reports for Spencer Road, Derry, since 01 January 2018, together with details of the frequency of inspections & the inspection policy.
DFI/2024-0339: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of all DfI Roads carriageway inspection reports for Spencer Road, Derry, since 01 January 2018, together with details of the frequency of inspections & the inspection...
DFI/2024-0341 - Copies of all evidence submitted to the NI Assembly's DfI Committee for its meeting of 12 June 2024 in relation to agenda item SL1 - The Kings Lane, Warrenpoint (Stopping-Up) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024.
DFI/2024-0341: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of all evidence submitted by the Department for Infrastructure to the NI Assembly's DfI Committee for its meeting of 12 June 2024 in relation to agenda...
DFI/2024-0345 - Details of Penalty Charge Notices issued for parking contraventions at Verner Street, Belfast, in the last 24 months.
DFI/2024-0345: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of Penalty Charge Notices issued for parking contraventions at Verner Street, Belfast, in the last 24 months, including the number issued: 1) to vans/goods vehicles; 2)...
DFI/2024-0348 - Information relating to issues affecting DfI Roads' adoption of the Hunters Mill development, Downpatrick, Co. Down.
DFI/2024-0348: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for information relating to issues affecting DfI Roads' adoption of the Hunters Mill development, Downpatrick, Co. Down, including copies of: 1) all correspondence with the developer; & 2)...
DFI/2024-0349 - Copies of all records held with regard to a meeting between senior DfI officials & NI Water on 11 June 2024.
DFI/2024-0349: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of all records held (including minutes, papers circulated, briefing documents, attendance list, etc.) with regard to a meeting between senior DfI officials & NI Water on...
DFI/2024-0350 - Details of DfI's mobile phone contracts (& managed contracts).
DFI/2024-0350: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details of DfI's mobile phone contracts (& managed contracts), including for each: 1) the network provider; 2) the annual cost; 3) the number of connections; 4)...
DFI/2024-0353 - Details, for the last 3 years, of parking enforcement on a stretch of the Belmont Road, Belfast, between Dundela Crescent & Belmont Avenue.
DFI/2024-0353: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details, for the last 3 years, of the number of: 1) Penalty Charge Notices; & 2) warnings issued by Traffic Attendants for parking infringements on a stretch...
DFI/2024-0357 - Details relating to online fault report (ref: W241280624), reported on Sunday 28 July 2024.
DFI/2024-0327: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details relating to online fault report (ref: W241280624), reported on Sunday 28 July 2024, including: 1) the number of DfI staff working on 27 July 2024; 2)...
DFI/2024-0358 - Copies, for the 24 months to 01 August 2024, of all Belturbet Road, Derrylin carriageway inspection reports, opening/closing or defect notices, complaint records, etc.
DFI/2024-0358: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies, for the 24 months to 01 August 2024, of all: 1) carriageway inspection records; 2) opening/closing notices; 3) defect notices; 4) records of complaints; & 5)...
DFI/2024-0363 - Copies of information held about the issue of revised bus driver licensing DfI Guidance, Operator/Bus Driver Licensing & s10b permits, 2018 to date.
DFI/2024-0363: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for copies of information held about the issue of revised bus driver licensing DfI Guidance, Operator/Bus Driver Licensing & s10b permits, 2018 to date, including: 1) any...
DFI/2024-0367 - A copy of the correspondence from the DfI Minister to PSNI about removal of posters in the Rathcoole Estate, agreed to be issued at a meeting with Equality Coalition representatives on 29 August 2024.
DFI/2024-0367: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for a copy of the correspondence from the DfI Minister to PSNI about removal of posters in the Rathcoole Estate, agreed to be issued at a meeting with...
DFI/2024-0376 - The number of vehicular damage claims, including for tyre damage, received by DfI for the Larne Road Link, Ballymena, between Braidwater & Bridge Street, 13 November 2023 - 14 May 2024.
DFI/2024-0376: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the number of vehicular damage claims, including for tyre damage, received by the Department for Infrastructure for incidents on the Larne Road Link, Ballymena, between...
Forward work plan
Forward work plan which outlines scheduled work and further developments planned for 2024/25. This can be accessed below.
Summary of Responses - Consultation on changes to the Concessionary Fares Scheme
On 1st June 2023, the Department published a consultation on proposed changes to the eligibility criteria for the NI Concessionary Fares Scheme. The consultation closed on 24 August 2023.
DFI/2024-0260 - Copies of records detailing DfI's responsibilities under the Climate Change Act 2022 (CCANI).
DFI/2024-0260: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of records detailing DfI's responsibilities under the Climate Change Act 2022 (CCANI), including: 1) consideration of sectoral plans; 2) proposals & policies for meeting carbon budgets...
DFI/2024-0318 - Copies of all records held regarding: 1) decision making; & 2) consultation correspondence in relation to the decision to omit Enniskillen & Co. Fermanagh in the proposals contained within the All-Ireland Strategic Rail Review Report.
DFI/2024-0318: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of all records held by the Department for Infrastructure regarding: 1) the decision making; & 2) any consultation correspondence in relation to the decision to omit...