Synopsis of Responses - Consultation to consider making careless driving a fixed penalty notice offence

Date published: 10 March 2022


On 23 November, the Department published a consultation paper setting out proposals aimed at making careless driving a fixed penalty notice offence.  

The consultation was open for a period of 8 weeks, closing on 18 January 2022.


Consultees were asked to consider a new fixed penalty open to the offer of remedial training which would carry 3 penalty points and a fine of £100.  Views were also sought on utilising the new fixed penalty to encourage the submission of dash-cam footage from civilian vehicles or bike and helmet-cam footage showing irresponsible or inappropriate road use.

A synopsis of the responses received to the consultation is now available.  It covers:

  • introduction and overview to the consultation
  • a summary of the responses
  • next steps
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