The Travel Survey for Northern Ireland Headline Report 2017-2019 has been published today
Date published:
The Travel Survey for Northern Ireland (TSNI) headline report, containing statistics for 2017-2019, is now available.
The publication is produced by the Analysis, Statistics and Research Branch (ASRB) of the Department for Infrastructure and contains information on journeys taken by mode of travel and purpose of journey. The publication is available on the ASRB website at: Travel Survey for Northern Ireland.
Key Points
The key points for 2017-2019 are:
Overall results
- Over the time period 2017-2019, each person travelled, on average, 6,130 miles per year (approximately 17 miles per day), around the same as 10 years ago (6,002 miles in 2007-2009).
- On average, 906 journeys were made per person per year over the period 2017-2019 (just over 2 journeys per day), no real difference from 2007-2009 (914 journeys per person per year).
- In 2017-2019, the average journey length was 6.8 miles, an increase from 10 years ago (6.6 miles in 2007-2009).
Main mode of travel
- On average, 643 car journeys were taken per person per year in 2017-2019. This equates to 71% of all journeys made, the same as 2014-2016 (71%).
- There were 167 walking journeys per person per year in 2017-2019. This represents 18% of all journeys made, no change compared to 2014-2016 (18%).
- In 2017-2019, 48 public transport journeys were made per person per year. This equates to 5% of all journeys made, the same proportion as 2014-2016 (5%).
Purpose of journeys
- On average, 183 commuting and business journeys were taken per person per year in 2017-2019. This equates to 20% of all journeys made, similar to 2014-2016 (19%).
- There were 263 leisure and other journeys taken per person per year in 2017-2019 (visiting friends at private home/elsewhere, entertainment/social activities, sports, holiday/day trip, other including just walk, undefined purpose). This represents 29% of all journeys made, no real change when compared with 2014-2016 (30%).
- Each person made, on average, 153 shopping journeys per year during 2017-2019. This represents 17% of all journeys made, the same as 2014-2016 (17%).
- In 2017-2019, 123 personal business journeys (for services such as bank, doctor or library) were taken per person per year. The proportion of journeys made for personal business has increased from 12% in 2014-2016 to 14% of all journeys made in 2017-2019.
Journeys to and from school
- In 2017-2019, the most commonly used main method of travel to or from school for the 4-11 age group was car (61%), followed by walking and cycling (23%) and then public transport (15%).
- In 2017-2019, the most commonly used main method of travel to or from school for the 12-18 age group was public transport (46%), followed by car (31%) and then walking and cycling (19%).
Journeys made by walking, cycling or public transport
- Indicator 25 of the draft Programme for Government (PfG) framework is the proportion of all journeys which are made by walking, cycling or public transport. This is monitored using Travel Survey for Northern Ireland data for single years. In 2019, just under one quarter (24%) of all journeys were taken by walking, cycling or public transport. There has been no real change comparing 2019 to the baseline year (25% in 2015).
Notes to editors:
Background to TSNI 2017-2019 Headline Report
- The Travel Survey for Northern Ireland (TSNI) is a household survey and is the only source of information on how, over the region as a whole, people use different forms of transport to meet their travel needs as individuals. Detailed user information, definitions and guidance are included in the report.
- TSNI reports are published annually and the earliest data available are for the 1999-2001 period. Two reports, a headline report and an in-depth report, are published. The headline report contains key figures on journeys taken by a representative sample of the population over the time period 2017-2019 and includes some trend comparisons with previous years. This report will be followed by the publication of an in-depth report in Spring/Summer 2021, which will contain more detailed analysis of the 2017-2019 data from the TSNI. The headline report has been redesigned for the 2017-2019 edition to make it more user-friendly and accessible, in line with the new format 2016-2018 in-depth report. Travel modes and journey purposes have been grouped into the most commonly used categories and all the information previously reported is available in the accompanying spreadsheet.
Note that this report covers the 2017-2019 time period, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- This is a National Statistics publication and therefore follows the Code of Practice for Statistics. You can find further information about the Code of Practice at: Statistics Authority.
Additional Information
- For more information relating to this publication, including alternative formats, please contact:
- Analysis, Statistics and Research Branch, Room 4.13c, Clarence Court, 10 - 18 Adelaide Street, Town Parks, BELFAST, BT2 8GB
- Telephone: (028) 9054 0799
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- Website: Statistics and research
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