O’Dowd urges road users to stay safe as the holiday season gets underway
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Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd has urged all road users to take care on the roads over the holiday period to make sure they and their loved ones get home safe.

Minister O’Dowd said:
“Tragically, so far this year 34 people have set out on a routine journey and have lost their lives. That’s a family member or a friend who will never home again, leaving a devasting impact on that family, their friendship circle and the wider community. Too many people are dying on our roads. In fact, on average one life is lost every single week.”
Launching the new digital road safety campaign, Minister O’Dowd said:
“Today, I am launching a new digital campaign which asks you to ROADWISE UP. Watch your speed, do not take drink and/or drugs and drive, take care to cross roads in a safe place, be mindful of cyclists and other road users and never use your mobile phone while driving. No matter how we choose to travel, or how long or short the journey, together we can ensure that everyone gets safely on their holidays and home again. Please ROADWISE UP and travel safely.”
Notes to editors:
- The new campaign can be viewed here:https://www.sharetheroadtozero.com/TVWebPages/Roadwise-up
- All media queries should be directed to the Department for Infrastructure Press Office at: press.office@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk
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