O’Dowd announces date for Public Inquiry into the Cookstown Bypass Scheme
Date published:
Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd has confirmed that the Cookstown Bypass Scheme will be subject of a Public Inquiry which will commence on Tuesday 22 October 2024.

Minister O’Dowd said:
“The proposed A29 Cookstown Bypass is of strategic importance to the town and its surrounding area as it aims to alleviate traffic congestion, reduce journey times and improve road safety and the town centre environment.
“As with all major road schemes a number of statutory processes must be completed. As part of that process, earlier this year, my Department held a public consultation on the draft Statutory Orders for the scheme and during this a number of representations were received.
“I am committed to working with the local community, businesses and all those impacted to ensure that all issues are appropriately discussed and considered. I have therefore agreed to hold an independent Public Inquiry. This will be held at the Glenavon Hotel in Cookstown, starting at 10am on Tuesday 22 October and I would encourage all interested parties to attend.
“Public Inquiries are a standard procedure in major infrastructure schemes and following the completion of the Inquiry and the receipt of the final report my Department will give full consideration to any recommendations made before any decision is made to move forward with construction.”
Notes to editors:
- Further information about the Cookstown Bypass Scheme is available on the Department’s website at: A29 Cookstown Bypass - overview | Department for Infrastructure (infrastructure-ni.gov.uk)
- The Public Inquiry notice is available online at: A29 - Cookstown Bypass Public Inquiries Notice (infrastructure-ni.gov.uk)
- All media queries should be directed to the Department for Infrastructure Press Office at: press.office@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk
- The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.
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