New temporary bus lanes coming into operation in Belfast
Date published:
New temporary bus lanes will come into operation in Belfast from Monday 1 July.

The temporary bus lanes are being introduced as significant public improvement works around the new Belfast Grand Central Station intensify.
These measures will reduce congestion by providing a viable alternative to the car.
The Department would recommend that anyone coming into Belfast city centre over the coming months uses active travel or public transport networks where possible, for a faster journey.
These lanes will ensure that emergency services can continue to access and move through the City Centre. They also play a vital role in creating a modern and effective transport network and contribute to a reduction in congestion and environmental pollution.
The lanes will be available to buses, motorcycles, bicycles and permitted taxis during the periods of operation and to all vehicles at other times. Lanes will be clearly marked with white lines and the associated signs. And any accessible parking spaces that are affected will be relocated.
Four new bus lanes will operate as follows:
- Howard Street – 24-hour bus lane on the approach to the Gt Victoria Street junction. The left turn into Gt Victoria Street will be for buses only.
- Gt Victoria Street - 7am to 7pm, Monday to Saturday, bus lane up to the junction with Bruce Street.
- Bruce Street - 7am to 7pm, Monday to Saturday, bus lane up to the junction with Dublin Road.
- Dublin Road - 7am to 7pm, Monday to Saturday, bus lane up to Shaftsbury Square.
In addition, there will be a bus lane on North Street, which will operate from 7 am to 7 pm, Monday to Saturday, from Bridge Street to Royal Avenue. The accessible parking bays for Blue Badge holders on North Street are being relocated, towards Bridge Street and into Royal Avenue.
A proposal for a temporary bus lane on the Lisburn Road, 8:30 am to 9:30am, Monday to Friday, from Jubilee Road (City Hospital) to Sandy Row is still being finalised.
Enforcement will be in operation to ensure that the traffic flows as freely as intended.
Notes to editors:
- Loading and unloading of goods or burden at premises adjacent to or accessible only from the bus lanes on Howard Stret, Great Victoria Street, Bruce Street and Dublin Road will only be permitted between 7pm and 7am. No waiting at any time restrictions, including for the loading and unloading of goods, will also be introduced along sections of North Street.
- Information about the development of Grand Central Station is available here: BGCS Updates (
- Park and Ride facilities are available across the north. Further information is available on Park and Share or Park and Ride | nidirect
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