Transport plans for Northern Ireland
This page contains archive links to the three strategic initiatives of the Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS) for Northern Ireland 2002-2012, each of which concluded in 2015.
Sub-Regional Transport Plan
The Sub-Regional Transport Plan (SRTP) was launched by the then Minister for Regional Development (now Department for Infrastructure) on 11 June 2007. The is plan is the third and final transport plan that takes forward the strategic initiatives of the Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS) for Northern Ireland 2002-2012.
The SRTP deals with the transport needs of the whole of Northern Ireland with the exception of the Belfast Metropolitan Area (BMA) and the rail and trunk road networks which are covered in the BMA and Regional Strategic Transport Network Plans detailed below.
In line with the Regional Transportation Strategy, the SRTP notes the highway linkages with the Regional Strategic Transport Network and identifies separate packages of measures for the period 2002–2015 by mode of transport:
- walking and cycling
- bus
- rail
- highways
The costs of the measures by mode are consistent with the relevant indicative expenditure, by mode of transport, given in the Regional Transportation Strategy, enhanced by the Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland (ISNI).
It is important to note that the implementation of the measures proposed in the SRTP will be subject to:
- appropriate economic appraisal
- any relevant statutory procedures such as environmental assessment, planning and land acquisition
- the availability of public money through the normal budgetary processes
Belfast Metropolitan Transport Plan (BMTP)
The Belfast Metropolitan Transport Plan (BMTP) was launched by the then Minister for Regional Development (now Department for Infrastructure) on 30th November 2004. This plan, the first of its type for the Belfast Metropolitan Area (BMA), takes forward the strategic initiatives of the Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS) for Northern Ireland 2002-2012.
The BMTP is the local transport plan for the BMA, which will deliver a phased and costed implementation programme of transport schemes to 2015. The implementation of these proposals will be subject to detailed economic appraisal, funding availability and statutory processes.
Regional Strategic Transport Network Transport Plan
The Regional Strategic Transport Network (RSTN TP) represents the skeletal framework of the region connecting all the main centres of economic and social activity and the major transport hubs.
The RSTN TP was launched on 21 March 2005.
The £1.57 billion plan contains proposals including enhanced public transport infrastructure, improved rail and bus services, new improved park and share / ride facilities as well as enhanced walking and cycling provision, all of which would help reduce reliance on private cars.
The RSTN TP also identifies a £529.4 million programme of Strategic Road Improvements that would see enhanced access to air and sea ports and cross border links.