A new approach to regional transportation
The former Minister for Regional Development, Danny Kennedy MLA, launched a new approach to the long term development of regional transport in Northern Ireland in April 2012.
New approach
Launching the plans in a strategic document, Ensuring a Sustainable Transport Future - A New Approach to Regional Transportation, the publication sets out how the Department will develop regional transportation beyond 2015, when the current transport plans reach their conclusion.
Following the formal announcement, in a written statement to the Assembly, Danny Kennedy said:
“Transportation is a vital component in helping grow the economy. We need to invest every penny as wisely as possible. Our transport network must support the economy and act as a catalyst for growth.”
The document lists three High Level Aims for transportation along with essential supporting Strategic Objectives. These cover the economy, society, and the environment. It shows how strategic transportation developments can be assessed to allow informed decisions making on future transportation investment.
The Minister continued:
“While we will deliver our existing plans for transport, with improved infrastructure, supported with investment in buses and trains, our New Approach gives a clear strategic focus for 2015 onwards.
“With balanced sustainable objectives, leading to clearer decision making on longer term investment we will progress in step with the Executive’s priorities.”
Potential projects
The New Approach will steer decision making on strategic transportation interventions and link to the Programme for Government and the Regional Development Strategy objectives.
Work is progressing on the implementation of the New Approach, and assessing the deliverability and affordability of potential projects for the 2016-19 budgetary period.
- Programme for Government (Northern Ireland Executive website)
- Regional Development Strategy 2035
- Ensuring a Sustainable Transport Future: a New Approach to Regional Transportation
We carried out a number of assessments as we developed the New Approach.
- Habitats regulations assessment
- Post adoption statement
- Equality impact assessment
- Integrated impact assessment
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) - reports produced during the development of the RDS 2035
Regional Transportation Strategy 2002-2012
The New Approach will be used to make decisions on transportation investment from 2015.