New Planning Portal
The new Planning Portal for 10 of the 11 Councils in Northern Ireland and the Department is now live.
Mid Ulster District Council provides its own online service for anyone wishing to submit or comment on a planning application in the Mid Ulster area. For more information, please go to the Mid Ulster District Council website (
The 10 Councils and Department worked together to develop and configure the new IT system with TerraQuest, the company contracted to deliver and support the system going forward.
This is the largest joint IT project between central and local government to date in Northern Ireland and will see benefits for all users as we seek to drive planning online in this digital age.
You can use the Planing Portal to:
- Submit a planning application
- Search, track or comment on an application
- Make an enforcement complaint
- Request a Regional Property Certificate
- Respond to consultations
If you are having trouble using the Planning Portal, please refer to the user guides provided under each section below or check the Fequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Submit an application
You can use the Planning Portal to submit planning applications to the Department and 10 of the 11 councils. (Mid Ulster District Council has its own system)
You will need to register for an account to use this service.
If you are aren’t sure whether you need to apply for planning permission, check the local councils website or contact their planning office to seek advice.
When you submit a planning application the information you provide including all plans, maps, drawings, forms and associated documents will appear on the Planning Register which is publicly available. A copy may also be made available online on the Planning Portal.
Any personal telephone numbers, personal e-mail addresses or sensitive personal data will not be published on the Planning Portal.
The Councils and Department will process your information in line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) requirements. A copy of the full Privacy Statement is available under the Terms and Conditions on the Planning Portal.
A demo video of how to submit an application online is available on YouTube via the link below. A user guide is also available.
- Demo video - Start a new application online
- Planning Portal User Guide - registration and create an application
If you would prefer to submit your application in hard copy, the application forms are also available to download from the Planning Portal.
Search, track or comment on an application
The Planning Portal includes an online Planning Register which allows you to search for new planning applications received or decisions made as well as find historical planning applications for a property or site.
If you wish to comment on or track the progress of an ongoing planning application, you will need to register for an account.
If you comment on a planning application, your comment, name and postal address will be published online on the Planning Portal for people to read. Your e-mail address will not be published.
Any remarks or information considered as being derogatory or offensive in nature will be removed.
Documents on applications that have transferred across from the legacy IT system are only viewable from a downloaded zipped folder. Any documents uploaded to the new portal since the launch on 5th December 2022 should be unaffected.
Please note, the full official Planning Register is not available online. Only applications where public views are being sought are published on the Planning Portal. Any applications that predate the rollout of the previous IT system in 2010 will have limited information available (no documents attached). To see a copy of a specific application that is not available online, please contact the Planning Office in the local council.
A demo video of how to search for an applicaiton online is available on YouTube via the link below. A user guide is also available.
Make an enforcement complaint
A breach of planning control occurs when building works, a material change of use or certain other development activities take place without the necessary planning permission or consent from the Council or the Department. This can be:
- carrying out development without planning permission
- failing to meet any condition or limitation attached to planning permission
If you wish to report unauthorised development for the council to investigate, you can make an enforcement complaint on the Planning Portal.
Regional Property Certificates
Regional Property Certificates (RPCs) bring together various pieces of information about a property. They are part of the legal searches undertaken by solicitors on behalf of their clients who are buying or selling property.
Further information is availble from Fermanagh & Omagh District Council, who administer this service on behalf of the councils (except Mid Ulster District Council).
A user guide is also available.
Consultee Hub
The Planning Portal includes a new Consultee Hub. Access to the Hub is restricted to organisations or individuals who have been asked to provide expert advice on planning applications or official responses on property certificate requests. It is not open to the general public.
Once the Consultee receives the initial notification by e-mail, they must view and respond to the consultation using the new Consultee Hub.
A demo video of the Consultee Hub is available on YouTube and user guides have been provided via the links below.
If you encounter a problem when using the Consultee Hub, please contact the ICF Team in Belfast City Council to report the matter for investigation. They can be contacted by e-mailing or telephoning (028) 9027 0249.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
A Iist of frequently asked questions about the new Planning Portal is available via the link below.
If your question is not covered by the FAQs, please contact the Planning Authority directly.
Planning Portal Newsletter
Copies of the Newsletter that provided updates about the project to deliver the new Planning Portal are available via the link below.