Investigating the reduction in fatal collisions in NI from 2009-2012
These statistical briefs consider weather and some of the economic analysis from the Transport Research Laboratory report ‘Investigating the reduction in fatal collisions in Great Britain from 2007-2010’ and compares these findings with the position in NI between 2009 and 2012. The second report, labelled ‘additional information’, considers topics including young male drivers, drink driving, speeding, pedal cycle traffic and fuel prices.
These statistical briefs were commissioned by Road Safety and Vehicle Regulation Division, DOE. The first brief considers the weather and some of the economic analysis presented in the TRL report PPR663 ‘Investigating the reduction in fatal collisions in Great Britain (GB) from 2007-2010’ and compares these findings with the position in Northern Ireland (NI).
The statistical brief labelled ‘additional information’ considers topics including young male drivers, drink driving, speeding, pedal cycle traffic and fuel prices and compares the Northern Ireland findings with the position in Great Britain as presented in the TRL report PPR663 ‘Investigating the reduction in fatal collisions in Great Britain (GB) from 2007-2010’.
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