Northern Ireland rural road analysis, 2012 – 2016

This report uses PSNI road traffic collision data from 2012 to 2016 to review fatal and serious collisions which occur on Northern Ireland’s rural roads and identify any emerging issues. Analysis includes examining the age, gender, road user category of those killed or seriously injured on country roads exceeding 40 miles per hour and comparing these to the 2004 to 2008 baseline. In addition there is also analysis on causation factor, responsibility, time and month plus a mapping section which reports the number of collisions by District Council and where they occur on the NI road network.


This bespoke analysis was commissioned by Safe and Sustainable Travel Division, DFI. The purpose of the research is to review collision data on rural roads and identify any emerging issues in relation to road users killed or seriously injured on these roads.



For general enquiries, data requests and feedback, contact Analysis, Statistics and Research Branch

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