Last updated: 22nd November 2019
The Department has clarified its position with respect to the future of extant planning guidance (prepared by DoE under the unitary planning system) for the contemporary context.
Going forward and where appropriate, the Department will provide further updates here.
The following guidance is withdrawn:
- Operational Directorate Action Points (ODAPs);
- Development Management – a Good Practice Guide;
- Improving the Quality of Housing Layouts in Northern Ireland;
- DCAN 11 - Access for People with Disabilities;
- Draft DCAN 11 - Access for all – Designing for an Accessible Environment; and
- Bus Stop Design Guide.
The following guidance is local in focus and will cease to have effect in the council area once that council adopts its Plan Strategy:
- DCAN 1: Amusement Centres;
- DCAN 3: Bookmaking Offices;
- DCAN 4: Restaurants, Cafes and Fast Food Outlets;
- DCAN 5: Taxi Offices;
- DCAN 7: Public Houses;
- DCAN 8: Housing in Existing Urban Areas;
- DCAN 9: Residential and Nursing Homes;
- DCAN 13: Crèches, Day Nurseries and Pre-School Play Groups;
- Trees and Development: a Guide to Best Practice; and
- Tree Preservation Orders – A Guide to Protected Trees.
The following guidance is regional in focus and will be retained unless and until replaced by the Department:
- DCAN 10: Revised Environmental Impact Assessment;
- DCAN 12: Planning Control for Hazardous Substances;
- DCAN 14: Siting and Design of Radio Telecommunications Equipment;
- DCAN 15: Vehicular Access Standards;
- Best Practice Guidance to PPS 23 'Assessing Enabling Development for the Conservation of Significant Places';
- Building on Tradition – A Sustainable Design Guide for the Northern Ireland Countryside;
- Creating Places: Achieving Quality Residential Environments;
- Living Places: An Urban Stewardship and Design Guide for Northern Ireland;
- Parking Standards;
- Transport Assessment;
- Best Practice Guidance to PPS 18 ‘Renewable Energy’;
- Wind Energy Development in Northern Ireland Landscapes; and
- Supplementary Planning Guidance to Policy PED 8 ‘Development Incompatible with Economic Development Uses’.
Draft guidance: