A6 Londonderry to Dungiven - Public inquiry
This page sets out details of the Public inquiry held during September and October 2012.
Purpose of a Public inquiry

The purpose of a Public inquiry into a road proposal is to enable objectors and supporters to present their evidence before an independent Inspector. The inquiry procedure is subject to the rules of natural justice. These rules, developed by the Courts, provide that there must be fairness in the conduct of an administrative process and, in particular, each side must have a fair opportunity to be heard and to hear and question the case against them.
DfI Roads presents its case first by way of an opening statement, followed by the calling of witnesses to give evidence. The DfI Roads witnesses may then be questioned by objectors (“cross-examination”) and by the Inspector. The same process is followed by each objector. By this process, the case for and against the scheme is tested.
After the close of the inquiry, the Inspector will produce a report clearly setting out his or her conclusions; he or she does not make a decision, but recommends a course of action.
The Public inquiry
The Department appointed Mr J A Robb as Inspector and Mr Jeremy Mills as Assistant Inspector to hold an inquiry to consider the A6 Londonderry to Dungiven dual carriageway proposal.
The Public inquiry is closed
A pre-inquiry meeting was held in the Roe Park Resort, 40 Drumrane Road, Limavady BT49 4LB on Tuesday 21 August 2012. The purpose of the pre-inquiry meeting is to help the Inspector and all parties concerned with the Public inquiry to prepare for the inquiry itself, so as to enable the proceedings to be conducted as efficiently as possible.
The Public inquiry sat for 6 days (24 September 2012 to 2 October 2012) in the Roe Park Resort, 40 Drumrane Road, Limavady BT49 9LB.
The Inspectors issued their report on 11 March 2013.
Public inquiry documents
- A6 Londonderry to Dungiven - Notice convening the Public inquiry
- A6 Londonderry to Dungiven - Pre-inquiry meeting
- A6 Londonderry to Dungiven - Public inquiry documents
- A6 Londonderry to Dungiven - Objections and responses
- A6 Londonderry to Dungiven - Public inquiry transcripts
- A6 Londonderry to Dungiven - Inspector's report
- A6 Londonderry to Dungiven - Departmental statement
Updated 23 February 2016