Northern Ireland planning statistics April 2018 - March 2019
Date published:
Report on the volume of planning applications received and decisions issued in 2018/19. This is the fourth annual statistical bulletin to report on activity and performance since the transfer of planning powers to councils in April 2015. The accompanying Excel tables contain the information underlying the charts and graphs featured in the bulletin as well as further analyses and breakdowns.
For related information, visit Planning Statistics
- Northern Ireland planning statistics 2018/19 annual statistical bulletin
- Northern Ireland planning statistics 2018/19 annual statistical press release
- Northern Ireland planning statistics 2018/19 annual statistical infographic
- Northern Ireland planning statistics 2018/19 annual statistical tables
- Northern Ireland planning statistics 2018/19 annual statistical tables (open format)
- Northern Ireland planning statistics 2018/19 annual dataset (csv format)
- Description of dataset variables