DFI/2024-0431 - Copies of records held relating to Kiln Road, at the junction of Kiln Avenue, Lurgan, together with the frequency of inspections.
Date published:
DFI/2024-0431: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 for copies of records held relating to Kiln Road, at the junction of Kiln Avenue, Lurgan, together with the frequency of inspections, including: 1) carriageway inspection reports; 2) opening/closing notices; 3) defect notices; 4) records of complaints received in the 24 months prior to 28 January 2024; & 5) the first carriageway inspection report after that date.
- DFI/2024-0431 - Copies of records held relating to Kiln Road, at the junction of Kiln Avenue, Lurgan, together with the frequency of inspections.
- DFI/2024-0431 - Copies of records held relating to Kiln Road, at the junction of Kiln Avenue, Lurgan, together with the frequency of inspections - Attachment.