Road improvement scheme for Balmoral Avenue, Belfast
Date published:
A road improvement scheme on Balmoral Avenue, Belfast will commence on Monday 2 October 2023.
The resurfacing work, which stretches from Harberton Avenue to Malone Road, will greatly improve the surface quality of the carriageway along this part of the road network.
Carriageway resurfacing works will initially be undertaken using overnight road closures from Monday 2 October until Friday 6 October between the hours of 9.00 pm and 6.00 am.
In order to complete the scheme, final carriageway resurfacing will then be undertaken over two weekends in October (Saturday 14 October - Sunday 15 October and Saturday 21 October – Sunday 22 October). This work will be carried out using overnight road closures between the hours of 8.00 pm and 8.00 am, with the times of the closures carefully selected to ensure disruption is minimised.
During periods of closure a citybound diversion route will operate via Malone Road - University Road – Shaftsbury Square – Great Victoria Street – Bruce Street – Dublin Road – Lisburn Road and Stockmans Lane.
A country bound diversion route will operate via Lisburn Road – Upper Lisburn Road – Finaghy Road South – Upper Malone Road and Malone Road.
To help ensure the safety of the public and road workers, road users are asked to follow signed diversionary routes, comply with all temporary traffic restrictions and to exercise care when travelling through, or in the vicinity of, the works.
The Department has programmed the work to ensure it is completed as efficiently and safely as possible with the minimum disruption to road users.
The scheme is expected to be completed by 22 October 2023, however this is dependent on favourable weather conditions and the Department will keep the public informed of any change.
For traffic information about this and other improvement schemes visit: Trafficwatchni
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