Public invited to give views on Newry Southern Relief Road
Date published:
The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) is seeking the public’s views on proposals to help shape the design of the proposed Newry Southern Relief Road, at consultation events in Newry.

The public consultation events will take place at the Sean Hollywood Arts Centre, 1A Bank Parade, Newry, between 10.00 am and 9.00 pm on the 14 and 15 November 2017 and the public is encouraged to attend.
The scheme aims to provide a strategic transport link road between the key strategic corridor of the A1/N1 Belfast to Dublin route with the A2 and Northern Ireland’s second largest port at Warrenpoint Harbour. The route will improve journey times and journey time reliability for strategic traffic between the A2 Warrenpoint Road and the A1/N1.
Road safety and traffic congestion within Newry City Centre will also significantly improve by providing an alternative route for port traffic. Accessibility to both Newry City and Warrenpoint Harbour will be enhanced. The new route will support and maintain sustainable economic growth and employment within the area.

Continued development of the proposal remains subject to approval of the business case, clearing the statutory procedures, and funding being made available for construction.
These events are part of an ongoing programme of consultation with the local community. Following the consultation events DfI will consider all views that have been put forward. It is envisaged that a ‘Preferred Options Report could be complete in summer 2018.
Notes to editors:
- The scheme aims to provide a strategic transport link from the A1 Belfast to Dublin key transport corridor to the A2 Warrenpoint dual carriageway. Both road corridors link the A2 Warrenpoint Road to the Ellisholding Junction on the A1. One corridor starts on the A2 Warrenpoint Road along the frontage of Greenbank Industrial Estate and crosses the Newry River and Canal just to the south Drumalane Quarry and then heads in a westerly direction towards the A1. In the second option the corridor extends further south as far as Rough Island and follows along Fathom Line before heading in a northerly direction up Fathom Mountain to the A1.
- The Preliminary Options Scheme Assessment of the Newry Southern Relief Road is now complete. The subsequent report, which was published in 15 June 2017, concluded by identifying two corridors to take forward for further development.
- The next stage of the scheme to identify a ‘Preferred Option’ is ongoing, with route alignment options currently being developed within the identified two corridors. To further this process, a public consultation event is programmed for November 2017 to provide an update on progress and to invite feedback to inform this next stage of development work.
- The Department is set to receive €2.85 million (£2.55 million) in European funding through the Connecting Europe Facility for the design stages of two key road projects. Up to €1.5 million (£1.35 million) of EU funding has been allocated to the Newry Southern Relief Road Study with a further €1.35 million (£1.2 million) allocated for the design of four new fly-over junctions on the A1 Belfast to Dublin Road between Loughbrickland and Hillsborough. This funding will help us to complete the design stages for the projects.
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