£350,000 replacement scheme for Majors Bridge, Lisnaskea
Date published:
A £350,000 bridge replacement scheme is due to commence on Majors Bridge, Lisnaskea on Monday 29 April 2019.

The existing masonry arch is due for replacement and this scheme, which will upgrade the bridge to current design requirements, will include the widening of the carriageway and provision of a new cycle path and footway.
Due to the nature of the works, and to ensure the safety of the road users and workers, it will be necessary to close Lisnagole Road while the new bridge is under construction. A single lane closure will be in place during week commencing 29 April to facilitate initial preliminary work. This will be followed by a full road closure between 6 May and 31 August 2019 while the remainder of the work takes place.
Diversions via Nutfield Road will be signposted from Lisnaskea and the A4 Belfast Road for through traffic. Access will be maintained for local residential and business traffic.
Completion of the work by 31 August 2019 is dependent on favourable weather conditions, however, the Department will keep the public informed of any change.
Road users should expect some delays while the diversions are in place and are advised to allow additional time for their journeys. The Department would apologise for any inconvenience caused.
For traffic information about this and other improvement schemes visit: Trafficwatchni.
Notes to editors:
- Majors Bridge is a single span masonry arch structure on the A34 Lisnagole Road located near the northwest limits of Lisnaskea town boundary.
- During a routine bridge inspection in July 2017 excessive deflection of the arch barrel was observed when under loading by HGV vehicles. Following further monitoring and assessment the road was closed to one-way traffic for a short period while temporary strengthening works were undertaken. This interim measure allowed the road to be re-opened to two-way traffic while the design and procurement of a replacement bridge was progressed.
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