O’Dowd welcomes confirmation of Irish government funding for the A5

Date published: 20 February 2024

Minister for Infrastructure John O’Dowd has welcomed confirmation from the Irish government that €600 million will be provided for the A5 Western Transport Corridor Scheme.

DfI Minister John O'Dowd - February 2024

Minister O’Dowd said: 

“I raised the issue of funding for the A5 with the Taoiseach recently.  I said at the time that I felt we were pushing at an open door and the announcement today confirms that the willingness is there to help get this road built, which is positive and welcome news.

“Too many lives have been cut short or forever changed by serious injury as a result of road traffic collisions on the A5 and too many families are living with the devastating consequences. I have met with grieving families and witnessed their heartache at first hand, which is why getting shovels on the ground is a priority for me.

“Now that we have confirmation that funding is available from the Dublin government, I will work with my officials regarding the Planning Appeals Commission Advisory Report recommendations with a clear intention of delivering this long-awaited project.

“I would appeal to those people who have been behind the persistent legal challenges to this project to set those legal challenges aside and think of what is best for our society as a whole.  The A5 is more than just a road. Development of the western transport corridor will not only balance regional infrastructure, it will also improve competitiveness and economic prosperity by improving connectivity and accessibility across the region. Most importantly of all, it will also provide a safer connection along that stretch of road because what we have at the moment has caused heartbreak in too many family homes.”

Notes to editors: 

  1. On completion, the A5 WTC project will provide 85 kilometres of new high standard dual carriageway between New Buildings and just south of Aughnacloy.
  2. Further information on the A5 Western Transport Scheme is available at:  A5 Western Transport Corridor (a5wtc.com)
  3. All media queries should be directed to the Department for Infrastructure Press Office at: press.office@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk
  4. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.
  5. Follow the Department on Twitter @deptinfra and on Facebook @DepartmentforInfrastructure on LinkedIn at DfILinkedIn


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