O’Dowd to progress the development of a number of Strategic Road Improvement schemes
Date published:
Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd has given his commitment to progress the development of a number of Strategic Road Improvement (SRI) schemes.
The development of contract documents for the A1 Junctions Phase 2, A4 Enniskillen Bypass and A32 Cornamuck schemes will now be taken forward as a priority during 2022/23, in preparation for future procurement.
Minister O’Dowd said:
“With the statutory processes already completed for A1 Junctions Phase 2, A4 Enniskillen Bypass and A32 Cornamuck schemes, I am pleased to announce that these will now be prioritised in preparation for future procurement when the necessary construction funding becomes available.
“The A1 has long been identified as in need of safety improvements and Phase 2 will bring further safety enhancements with the closing of gaps along the central reserve between Hillsborough Roundabout and Loughbrickland, the construction of four new compact grade separated junctions and all other minor adjoining road junctions either closed or reconfigured to a left-in left-out arrangement.
“Enniskillen Southern Bypass will consist of 2 km of new single carriageway, with 2+1 overtaking opportunities and an upgrade to a section of the existing A509 linking this to the A4 Sligo Road. It also includes a footway/cycleway link along the full length of the scheme.
“The 1.4 km A32 Cornamuck scheme is one of a number of schemes included in an A32 improvement strategy and will enhance connectivity between Omagh and Enniskillen and serve the new acute hospital in Enniskillen.
“I have already made clear my commitment to progress flagship projects such as the A5 Western Transport Corridor, subject to completion of the statutory procedures, as well as York Street Interchange. Today’s announcement is the next step in continuing to develop our strategic road network to improve road safety, enhance access to vital services, support economic development and reduce congestion in our towns and cities.“
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