O’Dowd confirms funding increase of 4.2% for frontline community transport providers
Date published:
Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd has confirmed a funding increase of 4.2% for community transport providers.

The Minister has confirmed the funding rise for the Dial-a-Lift (DAL), Disability Action Transport Scheme (DATS) and Shopmobility based on levels awarded in 2023/24.
The additional funding has been provided to support the groups in covering rising costs, particularly staff costs.
The Minister has also committed to maintaining this level of funding in 2025/26, subject to allocation of funds to the Department for Infrastructure.
He had previously committed to protecting community transport funding despite financial challenges for his Department and has met with representatives from all parts of the community transport sector since resuming his post as Minister.
In a letter to transport providers, the Minister said the rise was possible following the examination of an Equality Impact Assessment of the 2024/25 budget in conjunction with the June monitoring round, in which spending and priorities were reviewed.
Minister O’Dowd said:
“Community transport is a valuable frontline service and I appreciate the important role it plays in connecting people and complementing the wider public transport network. Community transport ensures that some of the most vulnerable people in our society are able to access essential local services and more actively participate in society.
“This increase is not as much as I would like to provide but it’s certainly a significant increase along with my commitment to maintain the funding into 2025/26.
“I hope this will help alleviate some of the pressures faced by service providers and support the workers in receiving a proper pay rise.”
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