Minister O’Dowd delivers keynote speech at the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) Northern Ireland Annual Conference 2024 in Belfast
Date published:
Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd gave the keynote speech today at the 2024 RTPI Northern Ireland Annual Planning Conference.

The Minister addressed attendees from across the planning profession and other stakeholders on this year’s theme of ‘Positivity about Planning’.
Speaking after the event, Minister O’Dowd said:
“Planning and the planning profession play a hugely important role in delivering a wide range of important outcomes for our society, including addressing the climate and biodiversity emergencies, economic development and supporting communities across the North.
“I have been very clear that delivering positive planning and place-making is a collective responsibility for all those involved in the process and I am greatly encouraged that there is now a focus, led by the RTPI, on promoting the value of planning and planners.
"I am committed to building upon the momentum that has been created through the Planning Improvement agenda. Specifically, the collaborative, partnership working between the Department, local government and other stakeholders.
"There are of course challenges in doing this, not least the difficult financial environment created by underfunding and austerity. I have been very clear that to help achieve this much needed improvement, the whole system and key parties to delivering the process must be properly funded and resourced in terms of capacity and capability.”
Chris Bryson, MRTPI Chair said:
“RTPI NI are extremely grateful to Minister O’Dowd for taking time out of his busy schedule to deliver the keynote speech at this year’s planning conference. It is clear that the Minister recognises the important role that planning, and planners, play in shaping our society and growing our economy. We look forward to working with the Minister, and other stakeholders, to deliver the improvements required to the planning system, to ensure that planning has a beneficial impact upon all our communities.”
Notes to editors:
- Photo Caption. Pictured at the Royal Town Planning Institute Northern Ireland (RTPINI) held in the Europa Hotel today are Chris Bryson RTPI Chair, Lindsey Richards RTPI President, Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd and Mark Hand Director of Wales, Northern Ireland and Planning Aid England.
- The Royal Town Planning Institute Northern Ireland (RTPINI) promotes planning as a profession and builds links with other built environment professions and organisations supporting dialogue on planning policy issues with public bodies, industry representatives and within the media. The RTPINI has a membership of around 700 people, drawn from central and local government, private consultancies, developers, the education sector and other organisations working in the field of planning.
- The conference was held on 04 September 2024 in the Europa Hotel, Belfast. All media queries should be directed to the Department for Infrastructure Press Office at:
- The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.
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