Minister Mallon launches £100,000 grants scheme for community led road safety initiatives

Date published: 03 September 2020


Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon has launched the 2020/21 Road Safety Grant Scheme which offers individuals and community groups an opportunity to apply for funding of up to £10,000 to develop and deliver local road safety initiatives.

Launch of the 2020/21 Road Safety Grant Scheme
Minister Nichola Mallon with Seamus McAleavey, Chief Executive of NICVA at the launch of the 2020/21 Road Safety Grant Scheme

Minister Mallon said:

“A key priority for me as Minister for Infrastructure is delivering on initiatives that have a positive impact on improving wellbeing for everyone and encouraging safe road user behaviour.  Road safety is everyone’s responsibility and community involvement plays a vital role in helping to raise awareness of how to stay safe on our roads.

“The Road Safety Grant Scheme is aimed at helping to engage and empower individuals, communities and organisations to promote and practise good road safety behaviours and encourage participation in safe active travel.

“I am delighted to announce that the 2020/21 scheme is now open for applications to support local community projects.  I would encourage those who believe that they can make a positive contribution by delivering innovative, community-led road safety projects to apply for financial support.

“One of the positive behavioural changes we have seen coming out of the darkness of Covid-19 is more people and families choosing to walk or cycle as part of their journey or daily exercise. Travelling actively has health and environmental benefits which I want to encourage.  It is very important that we maximise our efforts in making our roads and footways safer for all users and encourage people to use them for active travel.  

“Voluntary and community groups play a vital role in supporting our efforts to reduce the number of deaths on our roads. Everyone has a part to play. If we all take personal responsibility and make better choices which lead to safer actions on every journey, we can make our roads safer for everyone. This is our chance for change, let’s use it and make our communities safer by delivering safer roads for all.”

To qualify, groups must be properly constituted, have a bank account and be able to complete the project by 5 March 2021. Applications are also acceptable from individuals who are working in partnership with a community group involved in the process.

Seamus McAleavey, Chief Executive of NICVA said, “NICVA is delighted at the Minister’s announcement today launching the Road Safety Grant Scheme.  It’s a challenge to community organisations to innovate and develop projects that help address local roads safety issue and enable active travel in a safe way.  I would encourage voluntary and community groups to use the scheme to the benefit of local communities across Northern Ireland.  Let’s get the good ideas converted to action.”

Grants must be used on locally focused road safety projects to help the Department achieve outcomes identified within its Road Safety Strategy to 2020.

For more information and a funding application pack visit: Road Safety Grant Scheme

Applications must be received by the Department by 12 noon on Friday 9 October 2020. 

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  2. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.
  3. Follow the Department on Twitter @deptinfra.

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