Kimmins: I will continue to build the foundations for a better future
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Infrastructure holds the key to a better society for us all, new Minister Liz Kimmins has said.

Speaking after taking up office at the Department for Infrastructure (DfI), the Minister said she was looking forward to building on the firm foundations put in place by John O’Dowd.
Liz Kimmins said: “Infrastructure is critical to all our lives. It delivers real benefits for our citizens, our communities and the economy. Infrastructure holds the key when it comes to unlocking economic potential, addressing rural imbalance, and delivering the positive changes which can benefit society as a whole.
“I would like to pay tribute to my predecessor John O’Dowd, who has already delivered positive change in the infrastructure portfolio with major advances, including moving forward with the A5 Western Transport Corridor and the All Island Rail Review. I intend to continue that progress and I look forward to getting started.
“Just last week, Minister O’Dowd outlined Foundations for a Better Future, seven objectives which underpin the work of the Department. I remain committed to those objectives and will put people at the heart of everything we do, from tackling the climate emergency, improving our public transport, roads, water infrastructure and planning system. These are Foundations for a Better Future, in recognition of their importance to the people, to the economy and to the environment and because they underpin the work my Department is doing today, to shape a better tomorrow.
“I am in no doubt there are challenges ahead, but these are challenges I am ready to face. We must tackle climate change by thinking about how we travel to cut emissions whether by active travel or decarbonising our public transport. I will continue to tackle flood risk and prioritise regional balance in the road network by progressing the A5 Western Transport Corridor, the A4 Enniskillen bypass, the A29 Cookstown bypass, the Newry Southern Relief Road and the A1 phase 2 Junctions upgrade.
“Improving our sewerage systems will be a huge exercise, costing billions and taking decades and I will continue to develop the three-pronged approach that is in place, including working with Executive colleagues to increase wastewater investment, exploring options for developer contributions and introducing a Water, Flooding and Sustainable Drainage Bill to the Assembly.
“I will ensure that people are at the heart of everything we do and I will aim to put the resources in place to allow my department to deliver the quality of services that everyone deserves.”
Minister Kimmins added: “John O’Dowd often said of infrastructure that ‘it all starts here’ because it is the starting point for everything else in society - and he is right. Putting strong foundations in place takes time but I think everyone will agree it is worth it.
“There is no quick fix - but getting infrastructure right and investing in it accordingly will deliver a better future for all.”
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