Hazzard - announces £150,000 resurfacing scheme for A32 Ballinamallard
Date published:
Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard has announced the start of a £150,000 resurfacing scheme on the Trunk Road Network at A32 Enniskillen Road, Ballinamallard.
Works on the 1,000 metre scheme at Kilgortnaleague are due to start on 10 October and completion is planned for 21 October 2016.
Chris Hazzard said:
“This investment will greatly improve the surface quality of the carriageway on this key route which carries 7,000 vehicles on a daily basis between Omagh and Enniskillen. It is also a key route to the South West Acute Hospital.
“The growth of our economy depends on having good infrastructure in place to meet the needs of our people. The benefits of the upgrade to the A32 Enniskillen Road will go towards helping meet these needs and improving transport connections for people, goods and services.”
To help ensure the safety of road users and contractors, the works will be carried out under road closure between 8.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday. Enniskillen bound traffic will be diverted via Ballinamallard while Irvinestown bound traffic will be diverted via Lisnarick. Signed diversions will be in operation and local access will be maintained.
Motorists should be aware that delays may be expected and that additional time should be allowed when planning any journeys.
As with all improvement schemes of this type the planned dates are subject to favourable weather conditions. TransportNI will keep the public informed of any change.
For traffic information and news of other improvement schemes across the North visit: https://www.trafficwatchni.com/twni/.
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