DfI Raising a Concern Team
James House
Gasworks site
2-4 Cromac Street
Donal Moran is the Raising a Concern Designated Officer in the Department for Infrastructure (DfI).
If you are reporting a defect or a problem with a road or street, please do so via the online portal Problems with roads and streets | nidirect where you can directly report a range of issues by clicking on the relevant links.
When a problem is reported using the online system, it is automatically added directly into the Department’s operational workflow. This is monitored during working hours by operational staff and, if it is considered to be of high priority, action will be taken as quickly as possible. When a problem is reported online a unique reference code is issued, which can later be used to track its progress through the system.
Information relating to Public Transport, Air Travel, Bus Lanes, Traffic Management, Roadworks and Road Closures including details of reporting issues with roadworks are available via the online portal Travel, Transport and Roads I nidirect.
If you believe that a service that you have received is unsatisfactory or that a decision, in relation to policies and actions that you feel are unwelcome and fall below a defined standard or believe are otherwise inadequate, it may be that this issue is better served by utilising the Department’s complaint procedures DfI complaints procedure | Department for Infrastructure (infrastructure-ni.gov.uk)
If you believe that your issue constitutes a concern, under the Department’s guidance, that will require a substantive response, you may still contact us, and we will respond in due course.
Please consult the Department’s guidance in relation to ‘What is a Concern’ before making contact with the team Raising a Concern Operational Guidance
You should raise your concern directly with:
- DfI’s Designated Officer, Donal Moran, James House, 2 – 4 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA
- Tel: 028 90541112 (Ext 41112)
- Email: donal.moran@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk or raising.concerns@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk