Parking Places on Roads - Electric Vehicles

Consultation opened on 15 August 2024. Closing date 09 September 2024.


The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) proposes to make an Order entitled the Parking Places on Roads (Electric Vehicles) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024.


Consultation description

The Order will authorise a length of Loughview Park and Ride car park, Lurgan and Market Street, Tandragee for the use as parking places solely for the use of an electric vehicle connected to a charging post and prescribe the conditions under which they may be used. Vehicles are excepted from the conditions in certain circumstances.

The Order will also revoke and re-enact certain other parking places for electric vehicles.

Inspecting the proposals

Full details are contained in the draft Order which together with maps showing the roads involved may be inspected free of charge during office hours within the period below at:

DfI Roads Southern Division
Network Maintenance (South)
Marlborough House
Central Way
BT64 1AD

Inspection of the draft Order and map is by appointment only which can be arranged either by email to or by telephone during office hours (Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm) on 0300 200 7899.

Making an objection

Any person may object or make other representations, specifying the grounds on which they are made, by writing to the Department at Roads Southern Division at the address above or by emailing before 9 September 2024.

The information you provide in your response to this consultation, excluding personal information, may be published or disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) or the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR). If you want the information that you provide to be treated as confidential, please tell us why but be aware that, under FOIA/EIR, we cannot guarantee confidentiality.

For information regarding the Departmental Privacy Notice following the introduction of GDPR, please go to the following link DfI Privacy or phone the Data Protection Office on 028 90540540. For further details on confidentiality, the FOIA and EIR please refer to

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