The Department for Infrastructure is seeking your comments on Living with Water in Derry/Londonderry – An Integrated Plan for Drainage and Wastewater Management in Derry/Londonderry.
- Living With Water in Derry Londonderry - Consultation Document
- Living With Water in Derry Londonderry - Consultation Document - Irish version
- Living With Water in Derry Londonderry - Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report
- Living With Water in Derry Londonderry - shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment (sHRA)
Consultation description
This draft Plan for Derry / Londonderry, outlines the Living With Water approach which aims to:
- Protect against flooding by managing the flow of water through a catchment from source to sea.
- Enhance the environment through effective wastewater management and the provision of enhanced “blue / green” spaces to benefit local communities.
- Grow the economy by providing the necessary capacity in our drainage and wastewater management systems to facilitate new development projects, including house building.
The drainage of surface water and the effective treatment and management of sewage are essential for good public health, economic growth, and a healthy, natural environment. They are also needed to support the development of homes, schools, hospitals, commercial businesses, and industry. Drainage issues are complex and no one organisation can tackle them alone. This Plan takes an integrated approach to address the inter-related issues, whilst at the same time, providing multiple benefits to the community.
We want to hear your views on all aspects of this consultation document, and we would encourage you to answer the questions in the consultation survey.
We are particularly interested to hear about opportunities to deliver blue / green infrastructure to naturally manage the flow of water through catchments.
Your answers to the questions will help inform the development of the final Plan.
If you feel there are any pressures and issues or catchment based opportunities which are not included in the draft Plan, please include these when answering the questions.
Please note that responses to the consultation must be received by 7th April 2025. All responses received by this date will be considered.
You should note that individual responses will not be published, and a summary report will only reflect the opinions received in general terms. For information regarding the Departmental Privacy Notice following the introduction of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) please go to: DfI Privacy. The Privacy Notice explains how we will use personal information as part of the processing of responses.
Ways to respond
1st Floor James House
Cromac Avenue