DfI Resource Budget 2023-24
The Department’s budget allocation falls significantly short of the Department’s requirements and does not recognise the necessary steps taken in 2022-23 to balance a budget, including the one-off decision to use Translink’s reserves to help maintain services. Taking that into account means the Department is now facing a 14% cut in its resource budget compared to last year on a like for like basis. This is before the additional funding which is needed for energy and inflation in 2023-24.
Therefore, when set against the Department’s 2023-24 forecast requirements £167m of savings are required to seek to manage within the resource budget provided.
It is clear that the Budget 2023-24 proposed outcome, were it to remain unchanged following consultation, would mean that the Department would not be able to continue to provide the same level of service as provided in the 2022-23 year.
The Department is therefore seeking views on potential impacts that could result from reductions to services given the very serious financial position it faces, and the requirement to manage within the resource budget allocated.