The consultation, which ran from 15th November 2021 – 10th January 2022 sought views on the proposed approach to road safety and the issues to be addressed including:
- The strategic approach that will underpin the new Road Safety Strategy;
- The proposed targets which the new Strategy will seek to achieve;
- The key challenges impacting on Road Safety;
- The priority areas of focus for the new Strategy;
- The governance process that should be established for the new Strategy; and
- The equality impacts that should be considered as part of the new Strategy.
As part of the consultation process, a number of virtual (zoom) online public engagement sessions were held throughout December 2021, to seek views on the range of proposals contained in the consultation document with the overall aim being to build a consensus around the key priorities that the new Road Safety Strategy should address.
A copy of the consultation document is attached.
The feedback from the engagement sessions, along with the consultation responses, are currently being analysed.