The Department is seeking your views on a proposal to make careless driving a fixed penalty notice offence open to the offer of remedial training.
- Consultation Letter
- Consultation Document - making careless driving a fixed penalty notice offence
- Response form to Careless Driving Consultation
- List of Consultees
Consultation description
Consultation now closed
This consultation assesses the offence of careless driving in terms of behaviours, volume of offending and the number of associated deaths and injuries in Northern Ireland. It also looks at the current legislative process for careless driving and explores how this might be improved with the introduction of a new fixed penalty for low level offences. The consultation also considers how the availability of a fixed penalty offence for careless driving may enable police to use dash-cam footage, submitted from private motorists and riders, to investigate and enforce poor driving behaviour.
All of the proposals outlined in the consultation ultimately aim to reduce the levels of offending and the inconvenience and danger caused by careless or inconsiderate driving.
You are invited to access the document and respond online or alternatively you can complete the word version of the response form and return to either of the addresses below.
If you have any question on this document or attached papers, please contact us using the details provided.
Telephone: 028 9054 0822 (text relay prefix 18001).
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.