Consultation on changes to improve the quality of planning applications

Consultation opened on 04 November 2022. Closing date 06 January 2023.


This consultation seeks your views on the Department’s proposal to revise the information requirements for the submission of planning applications. The proposal is to amend The Planning (General Development Procedure) Order (NI) 2015 to provide for the introduction of ‘validation checklists’ by planning authorities, to address ‘poor quality’ or ‘incomplete’ applications entering the planning system.


Consultation description

Following this consultation a report was produced based on the responses:

The consultation will be of interest to all stakeholders in the planning system, particularly applicants and their agents, those affected by or with an interest in development in their area, planning authorities themselves, and statutory planning consultees.  The intention is to provide planning authorities with the power to prepare and publish information checklists against which, those submitting new planning applications will have to adhere before an application will be accepted as being ‘valid’.

This consultation forms part of the Department’s Planning Improvement Programme aimed at creating an efficient, effective and equitable planning system trusted to deliver high quality, sustainable, inclusive and healthy places.

Give us your views

You are invited to send your views on this consultation document. Comments should reflect the structure of the document as far as possible with references to question numbers and paragraph numbers where relevant. Comments on the Equality Impact Assessment Screening document and Preliminary Regulatory Impact Assessment which are contained in the paper are also welcome.  All responses should be made in writing and submitted to the Department either by post, e-mail or online. Details for this are provided below.

The consultation document may be made available in alternative formats. Please contact us to discuss your requirements at the postal or e-mail addresses noted below or by:

Telephone: 028 9054 0563

Textphone: 028 9054 0642

The closing date for the receipt of comments is 6 January 2023.

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