Transport Planning - 2020 to 2035
A new suite of Transport Plans is being prepared which is intended to set out the framework for transport policy and investment decisions up until 2035.
The Transport Planning process is being carried out in parallel with the Local Development Plan Process. The diagram below shows the relationship between the two processes.

The integration of land-use and transport planning processes provides a unique opportunity to combine the shared regional and local ambitions which are set out in the Programme for Government and also in the Councils’ Community and Local Development Plans.
The suite of Transport Plans consists of the following four separate plans:
- Eastern Transport Plan (ETP), (previously BMTP)
- North West Transport Plan (NWTP)
- Sub-Regional Transport Plan (SRTP)
- Regional Strategic Transport Network Transport Plan (RSTNTP)
The ETP, NWTP and SRTP are also accompanied by Transport Studies.
Local Transport Studies set out an objective evidence-based assessment in relation to current and future transport issues. These are considered in the context of Council growth ambitions, and future transport measures required to facilitate these ambitions during the LDP period.
A Transport Study is available for the Belfast Metropolitan Transport Plan.
Local Transport Studies are available for the Sub Regional Transport Plan.
A Transport Study is available for the North West Transport Plan.