Portadown Flood Alleviation Scheme

The principle aim of the Portadown Flood Alleviation Scheme is to deliver a scheme that will reduce the impact of fluvial flooding from the River Bann and some of its tributaries on properties in the Portadown area in the event of a 1% Annual Exceedance Probability Flood with allowances for climate change as per the current Departmental guidance.

Public Consultation on Environmental Statement Addendum

An Environmental Statement for the scheme has already been produced and was consulted on in Spring 2023.

Since then, an additional site has been identified at Baltylum Meadows and designs have been further developed to address comments received during the initial consultation.


The Department would now like the public’s views on this addendum to the original Environmental Statement.


The closing date for receipt of representations is 27th May 2024.


Any representations should be sent to: -

Mr Mark Glendinning,
DfI Rivers,
49 Tullywiggan Road,
Loughry, Cookstown,
Co. Tyrone, BT80 8SG;

or alternatively via email to rivers.cpu@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk marked FAO Mark Glendinning.

The documents are available at:



Aerial photo of flooding in Portadown, November 2009

Scheme Details

For the latest Portadown Flood Alleviation Scheme Updates and Story Map please click the below link:

Scheme Documents


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